


Damien Jalet Skid

“An outstanding masterpiece by GöteborgsOperans Danskompani”— Göteborgs-Posten

“Vertiginous, death defying dance”— GT

The stage floor in Damien Jalet’s Skid is on a 34-degree incline. The human relationship to gravity and the resistance and abandonment bound to it is what sets the dancers in motion. This new landscape of physical possibilities creates a chain reaction of physical and emotional events – dangerous, humorous, moving.
Pushing further his exploration of a more intense and intimate relationship of the body to the force of gravity, Damien Jalet created “Skid” (2017) for the Gothenburg Dance Company. The dancers performed for 40 minutes on a 34 degree inclined platform of 40 square meters. Together with dancer Aimilios Arapoglou and other members of the company, they developed an alphabet of new physical possibilities, alternating control and surrendering, of accelerations and slow motions, to be performed alone or with partners.

This class given on a large platform of the same inclination is a way to open the experience and share some of the gravitational discoveries they made to more dancers. Beside the actual playfulness of it, the class – while strongly grounding and centring the dancing of the participants – also allows them to develop a sense of abandon in the movement that is not possible to achieve on the flat ground.
Après avoir été encensée dans le nord de l’Europe, la GöteborgsOperans Danskompani, conduite par Damien Jalet, s’empare du Théâtre de Chaillot pour une performance qui défit la gravité…… />

Damien Jalet, chorégraphe franco-belge, est un habitué des collaborations prestigieuses que ce soit pour le théâtre ou l’opéra. On relève notamment sa rencontre avec le chorégraphe Cherkaoui qui lui aura valu de nombreuses récompenses grâce à ses chorégraphies imaginées pour divers spectacles.

Dans “SKID”, Jalet guide, d’une main de maître, la compagnie qui offre un spectacle où la liberté est reine. Une scénographie inouïe où dix-sept artistes se meuvent sur une scène inclinée à 34° au dessus du sol. Ainsi, le créateur hybride renverse les codes et explore de nouvelles formes artistiques. La danse contemporaine côtoie l’audace et délivre les corps en exhortant chacun au lâcher prise émancipateur.
[…] O espetáculo destaca-se, desde logo, pela cenografia, com um palco inclinado a 34 graus a desafiar a gravidade e a desencadear reações em cadeia, físicas e emocionais, dos 17 bailarinos em cena. Uma luta pela sobrevivência, dura e perigosa, mas também com apontamentos de humor e poesia. A projeção das luzes nos corpos cria um belo jogo de sombras, quase cinematográfico, a potenciar o efeito vertiginoso da coreografia – metáfora poderosa sobre as lutas incessantes do dia a dia, com momentos de abandono.