
Bill Domonkos

Black Hole

Bill Domonkos  Black Hole

source: cataniastudio

Bill Domonkos é artista visual e cineasta experimental. Seu trabalho tem sido mostrado internacionalmente em cinemas, festivais de cinema, galerias e museus. Sua obra combina animação 2D e 3D, computador, efeitos especiais, fotografia, vídeo e manipulado arquivo filmagem.
Segundo ele: “Eu vejo meu trabalho como uma colisão e recombinação de ideias. Meu processo se desenrola de forma gradual e espontaneamente, usando materiais encontrados, como metragem de arquivo de filme, fotografias e internet. Eu experimento combinando, alterando, em edição e remontagem utilizando a tecnologia digital, efeitos especiais e animação para criar um novo tipo de experiência. Estou interessado no absurdo, assim como momentos de sublime beleza para renovar e transformar materiais, experiências e ideias. A coisa extraordinária sobre cinema é sua capacidade de sugerir o inefável, algo que não pode ou não deve ser expresso em palavras, apenas insinuada através de sons e imagens. É essa indescritível, qualidade de sonho que informa meu trabalho.
source: dideegr

Ο Bill Domonkos είναι εικαστικός και πειραματικός σκηνοθέτης. Το έργο του συνδυάζει 2D και 3D animation, ειδικά εφέ, φωτογραφία, βίντεο, ενώ ειδικευεται επίσης και στο αρχειακό υλικό φιλμ. Η δουλειά του έχει μεταδοθεί και προβληθεί διεθνώς σε κινηματογραφικές αίθουσες, φεστιβάλ, γκαλερί και μουσεία. Παρακάτω βλέπετε ένα μέρος της δουλειάς του πάνω στα animated gifs.
source: mydesy

匈牙利的視覺藝術家與電影製片人 Bill Domonkos 擅以充滿詭譎的黑色思維將觀賞者置身於另一度空間裡漫遊,在他執導的電影或以下這些由他的審美觀所創作的GIF圖像中,皆能感受到他別於常人的視野與邏輯,超現實的解構思維將畫面設計的詭異卻有趣,實在讓人想一窺他腦中的想像世界究竟是個什麼樣子。
source: lamonomagazine

Los gifs nos encantan, no es ningún secreto. Pero los que crea Bill Domonkos a partir de fotos de antaño, archivos de cine y retoques descabellados le dan una nueva vuelta de tuerca a este campo de creación de medios combinados. Y además de suponer un cambio de rumbo en el joven mundo de los gifs, ese toque absurdo confunde pero cautiva. Son el resultado de su pasión por las combinaciones de material visual que recupera de otros tiempos, añadiendo animaciones y ediciones digitales. Su obra experimental se conoce ya en todo el mundo, llegando a mostrar su trabajo en festivales de cine, museos y galerías. Para que os hagáis una idea, utiliza las siguientes palabras al describir su arte: “me interesa lo absurdo, así como momentos de sublime belleza, para renovar y transformar materiales, experiencias e ideas”.
source: mymodernmet

Visual artist and experimental filmmaker Bill Domonkos manipulates archive photos and old film footage into surreally absurd gifs. The multifaceted artist’s otherworldly creations reflect his fascination with repurposing and combining moving images of yesteryear. Each gif is wackier than the next, presenting a wild scene clearly accomplished with digital editing and special effects.

Domonkos’ affinity for working with vintage, black and white images adds to the curious nature of his work. His altered take on the past is like one big sci-fi experiment, reminiscent of early avant-garde cinema. Instead of a simple portrait of a woman’s profile, the artist adds his creative touch to simulate a kinetic mechanism running endlessly on a her headgear. In Domonkos’ world, it is almost fitting that a projection of a jockey riding his race horse plays on a loop in a sink bowl.
source: bdomcom

“I view my work as a collision and recombination of ideas. My process unfolds gradually and spontaneously—using found materials such as archive film footage, photographs, and the internet. I experiment by combining, altering, editing and reassembling using digital technology, special effects and animation to create a new kind of experience. I am interested in the poetics of time and space—to renew and transform materials, experiences and ideas. The extraordinary thing about cinema is its ability to suggest the ineffable—it is this elusive, dreamlike quality that informs my work.”

– Bill Domonkos
source: vimeo

Bill Domonkos is a filmmaker, GIF maker and stereoscopist. His work combines 2D and 3D computer animation, special effects, photography, video and manipulated archive film footage. His work has been shown internationally in cinemas, film festivals, galleries and museums.
source: wikilinksfr

Le cinéaste Bill Domonkos manipule des photos d’archives et des extraits de films anciens pour un rendu en GIF surréalistes et absurdes.