

Джузеппе Рандаццо


source: blog163

艺术家Giuseppe Randazzo利用算法生成演变型三维对象,而后再对其进行渲染。
上次他和我们分享了他的作品Stone Fields:一系列静谧的石材景观。


source: dsgnrcl

Los códigos de computadora que utilizan para crear proyectos de arte generativo, arte de los nuevos medios de comunicación, los proyectos de las disciplinas del diseño, la arquitectura o de otro tipo, pueden encontrarse en territorios que han sido en gran parte sin explorar, en el que el arte y la ciencia se encuentran.
Es aquí que proyectos como “Novastructura” por el diseñador turinés Giuseppe Randazzo nacen, desarrollado a lo largo de las fronteras de las disciplinas que forman híbridos, gracias a nuevas interacciones entre el hombre y la máquina.

“Meandros” es una ramificación de “Novastructura”, un sistema tridimensional gráfico generativo, guiado por la interacción de los agentes en movimiento que crean entre sí y dejan rastros de serpientes digitales.

Al principio, los agentes están definidas por variables como la posición, la velocidad y los límites (por lo general de un círculo). Cuando empiezan a moverse, ya que el espacio se agota, chocan, rebotan entre sí y de paso cambian la velocidad y el color, generando una espesa red de variaciones cromáticas.
source: novastructuranet

Meanders is a generative system driven by the interaction of growing agents. The agents are defined by their initial position, a velocity vector (ordered or random), and a constraint boundary (usually a circle), moreover they are able to avoid proximity events with other agents (and their own body too) by means of their bow sensor. However while the bodies fill the available space, an agent may experiencing a kind of ‘blind alley’ condition, that would mean the dead of that agent. But in that case an unexpected (emergent?) feature of the software creates a sort of extra propulsion, that allows the agent to quick escape from that deadly situation, crossing the surrounding walls of bodies. The software is a Processing applet with an OBJ exporter I am working on, that can archive each mesh separately with material, normals, uv texture info and mtllib support.
Below some renders and applet’s video and images.
source: creativeapplicationsnet

Created by Giuseppe Randazzo, Meanders is a generative system driven by the interaction of growing agents. The agents are governed by conditions, allowed to wonder and their paths converted to object, outputted as OBJ and rendered.

The agents are defined by their initial position, a velocity vector (ordered or random), and a constraint boundary (usually a circle), moreover they are able to avoid proximity events with other agents (and their own body too) by means of their bow sensor. However while the bodies fill the available space, an agent may experiencing a kind of ‘blind alley’ condition, that would mean the death of that agent. But in that case an unexpected (emergent?) feature of the software creates a sort of extra propulsion, that allows the agent to quick escape from that deadly situation, crossing the surrounding walls of bodies.

The generative system is produced using Processing applet with an OBJ exporter created by Giuseppe that can archive each mesh separately with material, normals, uv texture info and mtllib support.
source: lanciatrendvisions

Those using computer codes to create projects of generative art, new-media art, projects of design, architecture or other disciplines, can find themselves in territories which have been largely unexplored, in which art and science meet.

It’s here that projects like “Novastructura” by Turinese designer Giuseppe Randazzo are born, developed along frontiers in which disciplines form hybrids, thanks to new interactions between man and machine.

“Meanders” is a ramification of “Novastructura”, a three-dimensional generative graphic system, guided by the interaction of agents in movement that create one another and leave trails like digital snakes.

At the beginning the agents are defined by variables such as position, speed and limits (usually of a circle). When they begin to move, as the space runs out, they collide, bounce off each other and casually change speed and color, generating a thick web of chromatic variations.
source: lanciatrendvisions

Chi utilizza il codice informatico per realizzare progetti di arte generativa, new-media art, progetti di design, architettura o altre discipline, può trovarsi di fronte a territori poco esplorati, dove arte e scienza s’incrociano.

È qui che nascono progetti come “Novastructura”, del designer torinese Giuseppe Randazzo, sviluppati lungo frontiere dove le discipline si ibridano, grazie a nuove interazioni fra uomo e macchina.

“Novastructura” si dirama in vari sottoprogetti, fra cui “Meanders”, un sistema di grafica tridimensionale generativa, guidato dall’interazione di vettori in movimento che si autocausano lasciando scie come serpenti digitali.

All’inizio i vettori sono definiti da variabili come posizione, velocità e limiti (di solito un cerchio). Quando iniziano a muoversi, man mano che lo spazio inizia a esaurirsi, si scontrano, rimbalzano e aumentano casualmente velocità e colore generando una fitta trama di variazioni cromatiche.