
Michael Manning

Michael Manning

source: pitch-present

Innovative, experimental and radically prolific, artist Michael Manning is the ultimate lovechild of the internet, and art. Living and working in Los Angeles, Manning’s art spans multiple mediums, weaving in and out of the gallery setting, and within the online domain.

Throughout his diverse and magnetic body of work, Manning explores the possibilities and limitations of art and image making in the digital realm. His artwork’s core lies in the capabilities of digital technology, yet it is his uninhibited and unpretentious approach that allows him to create his unconventional and weirdly wonderful work. Moving beyond one’s ability to use the online world as a platform for self-publishing, Manning has turned it into a platform for his own art form.

Net art, internet based works, digital paintings, GIFs, animation, website, collage and installation, his works are not defined by their medium but rather the process through which he reaches a finished work. Manning is less concerned with trying to create a work to fit a preconceived concept, finding it far more interesting to create pieces in a natural way, without the pressure of perfection or having to communicate a presupposed concept.

Most known for his series Phone Arts and Microsoft Store Paintings, these works explore the boundaries and limitations of stock image making software like Microsoft Paint. Manning uses these technologies to create his digital works, that are Abstract Expressionist in nature but persistent in their idiosyncratic Manning aesthetic. While these works begin as JPEGS, they are then printed onto canvas and brushed with a clear acrylic for texture, able to transcend the screen into the three dimensional gallery.

An internet artist at heart, Michael Manning effortlessly fuses the divide between artistic spaces and the experience of art – URL and IRL.
source: dazeddigital

Michael Manning is the prolific digital art pioneer coming to a gallery, Tumblr blog or – if you’re in the vicinity of Southern Cali – Microsoft retail store near you. Manning – find him online under his chosen alias, mirrrroring (4 Rs) – absolutely smashed the recent Phillips Paddles On! digital art auction in London with his piece Chinese Broccolini Torta: a canvas combining digital print with acrylic paint in his idiosyncratic style. Whether he’s invading computer stores and making art on their displays (turns out, none of the staff took much notice), or working on hundreds of variations of the same animation on various corners of the web, Manning has turned the humble jpeg into a radical artform. But how does a prolific net artist really work, on a day-to-day basis? We spoke to him about his typical schedule, upcoming projects and why bad 3D kids movies are his biggest IRL inspiration.