


source: adressano

I en overflod av forkastede forbruksgjenstander og tilsyneslatende nytteløse tanker, utforsker Nina Bang Larsen om man kan blande deler av dette sammen til å bli noe meningsfylt, eller om det bare forsterker en iboende meningsløshet. Hun søker motsetninger i arbeidene sine, slik at de gnisser mot hverandre og skaper en spenning, en indre konflikt. Flere av arbeidene har noe påståelig over seg, samtidig som de er unnvikende. De strever etter å være mystiske, men får de det til? Hvor langt kan man strekke alvoret før det går over til det latterlige og står i fare for å bli sårt og patetisk?
source: tekstilkunstorg

Nina Bang Larsen works with second hand textiles, furniture and other domestic objects in her sculptures. Her chosen materials can be pillows, lamps, clothes and shoes, glasses, rocking chair and stools, hangers and frames, almost everything you can find in an ordinary home, and most of the works in this exhibition are inflatable.

The sculptures reflects emotions and thoughts about what it is to be inside and outside in many different ways. Each sculpture represent different feelings and thoughts, but they are at the same time open for the onlookers own interpretation. The works in this exhibition balances between being attractive and repulsive, and they are both humoristic and melancholic.

Nina Bang Larsen (born 1981) lives and works in Bergen. She has her master degree from The National College of Art and Design in Bergen in 2010. Her works has been shown in Vestlandsutstillingen 2011, Sculpture by the Sea and Sculpture Inside in Århus, Denmark in 2011, and other group exhibitions. Nina Bang Larsen is one of three artists in the artist group Camilla Bang Frantzen.