
One Life Remains: André Berlemont, Kevin Lesur, Brice Roy & Franck Weber


One Life Remains Les Disciplines du Rectangle

source: oneliferemains
LES DISCIPLINES DU RECTANGLE is an interactive art installation made of 7 steles set up in a 200m² space. Each stele is made of one webcam, one screen and one speaker. When a player stands in front of a stele, his body is detected and a virtual rectangle is drawn around him. The rectangle starts to move and to change of shape. The goal is to stay inside the rectangle without touching its borders. The game stops when there is a contact between the rectangle and the player’s body. For the audience, nothing is visible except the player’s performance. It is the player’s body who creates the show based on the contrast between what is displayed on the screen (the picture of its own body put inside a geometrical shape) and the emptiness of the « real » space. Each stele provides a specific choreography, based on the behavior of its rectangle. The whole set up produces a choreography which evokes a mix between a sport training room and a performance art space.

Inspired by Michel Foucault’s work, Les disciplines du rectangle is a videogame proposition about the nature of rules and norms at the digital age. If society provides models of accomplishment we are supposed to fit inside, then the rectangle is the pure abstraction of this idea. The geometrical shape works as a symbol of the very nature of normativity, blind to individual differences. The rectangle, existing only on the screen, reveals how digital technologies can in some ways become the new location for this normativity and the ambivalent results of their intangible and invisible nature. Besides, the installation offers an occasion to think about the way games can become manipulation tools. The fact that in the end, players act as if they were piloted by the rectangle (an inversion of the traditional relationship between player and avatar) gives an aesthetical highlight to this.
soure: fileorgbr
“Les disciplines du rectangle” (As disciplinas do retângulo) é uma instalação de arte interativa feita de sete estelas montadas em um espaço de 200 m². Cada estela é feita de uma webcam, uma tela e um orador. Quando um jogador fica na frente de uma estela, seu corpo é detectado e um retângulo virtual é desenhado em torno dele. O retângulo começa a se mover e a mudar de forma. O objetivo é ficar dentro do retângulo sem tocar suas bordas. O jogo para quando há um contato entre o retângulo e o corpo do jogador.
Para o público, nada é visível, exceto o desempenho do jogador. É o corpo do jogador que cria o show baseado no contraste entre o que é exibido na tela e o vazio do espaço “real”. Cada estrela fornece uma coreografia específica com base no comportamento de seu retângulo.
Considerando o videogame como uma das principais mídias, o coletivo com base em Paris One Life Remains trabalha para explorar suas propriedades desde 2010. Essa abordagem, influenciada pelo design radical, bem como por jogos hardcore e filosofia, resulta em uma série de objetos que expandem os limites da mídia. Essas criações podem assumir várias formas (arte efêmera, instalação monumental, jogo conceitual) e proporcionar diferentes tipos de experiência de jogo (jogo em grupo, intelectual ou sensorial). Os principais eixos de pesquisa do coletivo são a relação entre jogadores e espectadores, a questão da obsolescência da mídia digital, o vínculo entre jogos e gestos ou entre jogos e desempenho, além do tema do controle.
One Life Remains atualmente é composto por quatro membros: André Berlemont, Kevin Lesur, Brice Roy e Franck Weber.
source: fleorgbr
“Les disciplines du rectangle” is an interactive art installation made of 7 steles set up in a 200 m² space. Each stele is made of one webcam, one screen and one speaker. When a player stands in front of a stele, his body is detected and a virtual rectangle is drawn around him. The rectangle starts to move and to change of shape. The goal is to stay inside the rectangle without touching its borders. The game stops when there is a contact between the rectangle and the player’s body.
For the audience, nothing is visible except the player’s performance. It is the player’s body who creates the show based on the contrast between what is displayed on the screen and the emptiness of the “real” space. Each stele provides a specific choreography, based on the behavior of its rectangle.
Considering video game as a major medium, the Paris based collective One Life Remains works towards exploring its properties since 2010. This approach influenced by radical design as well as hardcore gaming and philosophy results in a series of objects that pushes the boundaries of medium. These creations can take several forms (ephemeral art, monumental installation, concept game) and provide different types of game experience (party, intellectual or sensorial play). The collective’s main axes of research are the relation between players and spectators, the question of the digital medium’s obsolescence, the link between games and gesture or between games and performing, along with the theme of control.
One Life Remains currently comprises four members: André Berlemont, Kevin Lesur, Brice Roy and Franck Weber.