



source: highlike

Work: Of work I discovered by passion for hand weaving when I was very young, fascinated by the sight of fabric growing out of simple thread. I play with technique in absolute freedom, often breaking the rules, yet I’m always aware of the legacy of old fundamentals, and explore the past by expressing myself with the contemporary codes of research and experimentation. My works are created thread after thread, extending the definition of “fiber” to include industrial, non-recycled, anonymous, marginal materials like PVC, rubber, plastic, latex, polyurethane,aluminium and so on – materials that seem hard to associate with any aesthetic quality, but which have the common trait of being “weavable”. My contemporary jewelry draws inspiration from the ruffs of the 1500s and 1600s, which have always attracted me for their ability to add elegance and refinement, and to exalt the face’s beauty and expressivity in an extraordinary way.
Image: author:Silvia Beccaria Title: Splendor item: ruff material:nylon, aluminum tecnique: hand weaving artist Silvia Beccaria. make up artist Francesca Maffi.
Photographer: Alessia Micheletti
source: beautifulpeopleliveart

An artist and textile designer, Silvia Beccaria works with mind and hands in symbiosis, leading her to investigate the past – often breaking the rules, albeit with awareness of the ancient technical legacy of hand weaving – and, at the same time, expressing herself with a contemporary code in her research and daring experiments. After earning a degree in philosophy and a master in art therapy from Turin’s University , she went on to study textile design and specialized in fiber art.” Silvia designs and creates and contemporary jewels, tapestries and sculpture-dresses, and participates in numerous art exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Her creations are part of many permanent fiber art collections.

Silvia works with mind and hands in symbiosis, leading her to investigate the past – often breaking the rules, albeit with awareness of the ancient technical legacy of hand weaving – and, at the same time, expressing herself with a contemporary code in her research and daring experiments.
In her work, thread after thread, she expands the definition of “fiber” to include industrial, non-recycled, anonymous, marginal materials like PVC, rubber, plastic, latex, polyurethane and so on – materials that seem hard to associate with any aesthetic quality, but which have the common trait of being “weavable”. Silvia designs and creates and contemporary jewels, tapestries and sculpture-dresses, and participates in numerous art exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
source: fashioncollars

Silvia Beccaria is an artist and textile designer based in Turin, Italy, with now almost twenty years of experience. She designs and creates contemporary jewelry on manual looms, adding unusual inserts that are completely foreign to textile traditions to traditional fibers, in a new interpretation of the ruffs that were in fashion in the 1500s and 1600s.

Her ruffs, created thread after thread, extend the definition of “fiber” to embrace industrial materials, primary (not recycled) products that would seem anonymous, negligible, and hard to consider in their aesthetic value – like PVC, rubber, plastic, latex, polyurethane and so on. Their common trait it the fact that they can all be woven somehow, and that their use is the result of research and innovative experiments.

For her contemporary jewelry, Silvia selects materials for their consistency, elasticity, transparency and color, trapping them in the warp and yet leaving them free to move, creating the three-dimensional effect that was essential to antique ruffs and to their charm.
source: internocortile

Artista/designer tessile, utilizza la tecnica della tessitura a mano giocando con essa in totale libertà. In perfetta simbiosi tra mente e mani, contro le regole ma al tempo stesso attenta all’eredità della tecnica antica, indaga nel passato pur esprimendosi con linguaggi contemporanei di ricerca e sperimentazione. Dopo Negli anni ha ideato tessuti non convenzionali che hanno intrecciato alla seta, alla lana, al lino, al cotone, altri materiali come tubi di plastica, pluriball, metalli, carta, lamine di alluminio e gomma, ricavando dalla materia stessa singolari ed inediti effetti. La fibra sia essa lana, gomma, carta, metallo o plastica è dunque lo strumento linguistico con il quale Silvia concepisce e da’ alla luce la sua idea progettata e creata al telaio. Il materiale e il suo strumento la guidano e traducono ciò che la mente e il cuore le suggeriscono e permettono di rendere visibili le sue emozioni e i suoi stati d’animo. Dalle sue sperimentazioni nascono abiti-scultura concepiti per essere fruiti nel quotidiano come arte da indossare, come “oggetti” di abbigliamento che più nulla hanno a che fare con la moda, i suoi arazzi e le sue gorgiere rivelano una poetica personale che piega la materia alle esigenze del linguaggio. Silvia disegna e realizza abiti-scultura, arazzi , gioielli contemporanei e partecipa a numerose mostre d’arte in Italia e all’estero Le sue creazioni sono presenti in collezioni permanenti di Fiber art.
source: ellechina

Silvia Beccaria de Turim, escultora, designer têxtil e formada em filosofia diz trabalhar com as mãos e a mente em simbiose, dando uma nova interpretação às golas que estavam na moda nos anos 1500 e 1600, usando a técnica da tecelagem manual com o maior respeito. As suas golas, jóias contemporâneas, são para ser usadas como arte vestível, concebidas e idealizadas no seu tear, inserindo materiais incomuns completamente estranhos aos tradicionais têxteis como o poliuretano, o nylon, o alumínio, o latex ,a borracha ou até mesmo com balões como a sua gola – colar “Trocadero”.
source: ellechina

来自意大利的Turin,Beccaria是一位善于运用不同材料的一位艺术家。当时我是在伦敦时装周的展览见到她用气球制作的项链和其他配饰,特别是属于Minimalism又让人印象深刻的作品。 Beccaria习惯于从过去提取灵感,却以摩登的表現形式展现出她的构想。而她也从生态学的角度去表态运用环保的方式来制作-比如说她拒绝使用电能量去创作和运用人工操作织布机。她说“我的创作是利用古代的技术比如说-handweaving 手工编织,但以全新的方式-利用乳胶,塑料,橡胶等不属于正规的纺织材料来诠释。”