

Invisible Barn

STPMJ   Invisible Barn

source: naked-scienceru

Нью-Йоркская дизайн-студия STPMJ представила проект невидимого дома, зеркальная поверхность которого не сразу позволяет заметить его в лесном ландшафте.

В нью-йоркском парке Socrates Sculpture дизайнеры STPMJ предложили создать зеркальный дом. Постройку не сразу можно заметить в лесном ландшафте – подобно миражу,она то появляется, то исчезает, растворяясь в пейзаже.

Деревянная основа невидимого дома целиком покрыта зеркальными панелями, за исключением оконных и дверныхпроемов, которые кажутся парящими в воздухе. Особенно хорошо это заметно ночью, когда подсветка превращает здание в дом-призрак.
source: journal-du-designfr

Invisible Barn est une proposition de conception spécifique et unique proposée par le studio de design basé à New York stpmj. Elle vise à re-contextualiser le paysage environnant du Socrate Sculpture Park, dans le Queens, en projetant le paysage sur la structure.

La forme est celle d’une grange en bois, dont on a recouvert la surface de film réfléchissant. Tel un caméléon, la structure reflète son environnement, se fond dans le paysage, se métamorphose au fil des saisons et s’assimile harmonieusement avec la nature. De nombreuses ouvertures permettent aux visiteurs de manoeuvrer autour et dans la maison. Ce concept met en avant le fait que la structure perd sa présence architecturale dans la nature mais ajoute une nouvelle expérience d’interactions pour les utilisateurs. Les ouvertures nombreuses et variées sont encadrées de contreplaqué, ce qui accentue l’effet de plein et de vide et donne un effet visuel encore plus intriguant, comme si elles flottaient dans l’air.
source: designboom

‘the invisible barn’ is currently seeking funding on crowdfunding platform kickstarter. if the campaign is successful the structure will find a NEW HOME in UC berkeley’s sagehen creek field station in california’s central sierra nevada mountains. read more about the initiative here.

seung teak lee and mi jung lim of new york-based practice STPMJ have designed an ‘invisible barn’, a project that was awarded a notable entry for ‘folly 2014′ – a competition led by the architectural league and socrates sculpture park. the contest invites young and emerging designers to propose contemporary interpretations of the architectural folly, traditionally seen as a small-scale building or pavilion positioned within a garden or landscape.

shaped as a skinny parallelogram eluding the densely planted trees, the site specific proposal re-contextualizes the landscape by mirroring its surroundings. the barn-shaped wooden structure, clad in reflective film, is placed in the middle of a grove, allowing the structure to assimilate naturally within its environment. the design replicates and projects the site’s different species of trees and plants, the changing color of the sky and the region’s seasonal changes. apertures cut within the façade not only enable visitors to physically interact with the folly, but also provide visual contrast and engagement from a variety of different angles. through these apertures, visitors perceive the subtle differences between the real and the mirrored landscape, understanding the depth of the grove and other art INSTALLATIONS across the site.

the barn loses its architectural form to nature, encouraging visitors to interact with it through the overlap of materials and building techniques between the two disciplines. as guests people begin to move around and within the folly, users will slowly recognize a space within the grove that reflects, mirrors, and animates the landscape of the park.
source: architizer

What would you do if you had the superpower of invisibility? Tip-toe around secret meetings? Show up to parties you weren’t invited to? Would you sneak into the locker room of your choice? It’s no wonder that invisibility is one of the most intriguing plot lines in fantasy and sci-fi stories.
Despite its reoccurring role in fiction, the realities of invisibility are still far away. There are several technologies in development, but the most feasible has been the “invisible coat,” made with microscopic reflectors that act as a movie screen while cameras capture imagery behind the object, projecting it from within like a TV screen.

New York-based architects stpmj have used a similar concept to create an invisible building. Coating the “Invisible Barn” in reflective mylar, the 2×4 shed appears like a giant mirror, capturing the forest around it, and thus nearly disappearing into thin air.

The project was the firm’s submission to the Architectural League’s Folly Competition, and it reinforces the theory that runners up are sometimes more interesting than the winners. An invisible building in the landscape, barely noticeable without prior knowledge of it, produces more spatial effects than any of the previous winners, and being able to walk inside of it is just the icing on the invisible cake. The openings that connote doors and windows offer yet another layer of experience into the Invisible Barn.

Of course, it’s easier to make a building vanish than a person; the building is immovable, and simple mirrors capture a forest background that appears the same from all sides. The reflection of surroundings has also been used by architects such as Dan Graham, Rogers Partners, GLUCK+, and the Swedish duo of Tham & Videgard. While the military works on invisible tanks, let’s hope that more architects are dreaming up invisible buildings — there are certainly a few that would benefit from this treatment.
source: ignantde

Die meisten Skulpturen soll man auch sehen, die ‘Invisible Barn’ jedoch kann man auf den ersten Blick fast nicht erkennen. STPMJ reichten das Projekt für die diesjährige Folly Competition ein und auch wenn es nicht gewonnen hat ist es eine eindrucksvolle Arbeit, die die umliegende Landschaft und die wechselnden Jahreszeiten reflektiert.

Von einem bestimmten Winkel sieht es so aus, als würden die Fenster der Struktur frei im Raum schweben. Aus einer anderen Perspektive erscheint sie als kleines Haus und nur von oben lässt sich erkennen, dass es sich hier um ein flachgedrücktes Parallelogramm handelt.
source: flipermag

看得見圖中有一棟房子嗎?這不是 Photoshop 後製而成的唷!這棟房子座落於紐約的蘇格拉底雕塑公園,在這公園裡有許多藝術家們的作品,但唯獨這一件作品是隱形的!也就是說,倘若你不仔細看,其實很容易忽略它的存在。

這棟建築物出自一家紐約的設計公司 STPMJ ,正如你所見,它之所以能隱形在樹林中可不是因為真的有什麼隱型斗篷的存在,事實上它的外層被添加了反射性極高的鏡面結構,而此舉動是為了將鏡面反射出四周圍的自然景像,讓該建築物融入樹叢中,同時使大家產生視覺錯覺!



source: niyasxsrvjp

アメリカのニューヨークで開催されたアート作品の優劣を決める「Folly 2014」で何かの賞を取った「Invisible barn(見えない小屋)」。
手掛けたのはニューヨークを拠点に頑張ってる「seung teak lee」と「mi jung lim」の2人組。