
Yunchul Kim


Yunchul Kim

source: vidafundaciontelefonica
La obra del compositor y artista coreano, Yunchul Kim, que actualmente reside en Berlín, gira en torno al potencial artístico de la dinámica de fluidos. Utilizando ferrofluidos, crea instalaciones que exploran las propiedades de la materia y evocan procesos naturales a nivel cósmico o en el interior de un organismo imaginario. Kim trabaja en la Universidad de Artes Aplicadas de Viena y es cofundador, con la historiadora del arte Lucía Ayala y el doctor en astrofísica, Jaime Forero, del grupo de investigación Fluid Skies, colectivo dedicado a explorar la materialidad fluida del universo desde las perspectivas de la astrofísica, el arte, la historia y la filosofía. El proyecto de Yunchul Kim, Effulge ha sido galardonado con el Tercer Premio VIDA 15.0.
source: yunchulkimnet
Yunchul Kim is an electroacoustic music composer and an artist based in Berlin and Seoul, and also founded the STUDIO LOCUS SOLUS in Seoul. His latest works are focusing on the artistic potential of fluid dynamics, metamaterials (photonic crystals) and especially on the context of magnetohydrodynamics. His works have been shown at Ars Electronica, Transmediale, ISEA, New York Digital Salon and VIDA in Madrid, among others. Kim has awarded grants at various institutions and festivals such as Collide International Award 2016 (CERN & FACT), VIDA 15.0, Ernst Schering Foundation, Arts Council Korea, Edith-Russ Haus for Media Art, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Ars Electronica, Transmediale, Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, NRW and etc. Kim has taught and gave workshops in diverse institutions, international festivals and academic centers. Now, he is a fellow of research group: MATTEREALITY which are one of the Transdisciplinary Program in Korea Institute for Advanced Study. And also, he is a member of art and science project group FLUID SKIES and a researcher of artistic research project LIQUID THINGS at Art & Science Department at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in Austria.