Ryunosuke Okazaki 001
For his graduate project from the Tokyo University of the Arts, Ryunosuke Okazaki created a collection consisting of three couture dresses in bold colours and shapes titled JomonJomon that are informed by Japanese Jōmon-era pottery and Shinto, an ancient religion that originated in Japan. The striking designs are modelled and decorated on Jōmon-era pottery, where vessels were decorated through pressing rope and coils into wet clay to create ornate designs. The JomonJomon collection was made using polyester, cotton and ribbed knits, in red, blue, black and white as the primary colours.
The Wild Swans
The project is the creation of a series of kinetic garments that tell the story of “The Wild Swans” by Hans Christian Anderson. In the fairy tale, 11 princes have been turned into swans from a transformative spell cast by their wicked stepmother. Their sister, the princess, rescues the princes by collecting stinging nettles and knitting them, under a vow of silence and in great pain, into magical shirts so that her brothers can return to their human shape. She is very nearly done knitting them all when she runs out of time; she throws the sweaters onto her brothers to transform them, but the last one is incomplete, leaving her youngest brother forever with a swan’s wing instead of an arm.
Oblique WTC
著者によると、この建物は単一の巨大構造を形成しており、複雑なネットワークを形成しており、個別のコンポーネントに分解することはできません。 この質感は、ウールニットと比較されます。 中には公共のスペースを含むいくつかのスペースがあります。 通りは曲がった塔に合流しているように見え、その中のエレベーターは坂を上って街の地下鉄に降りる列車になります。
Здание, по мысли автора, образует единую мегаструктуру, сложную сеть, не раскладывающуюся на отдельные компоненты. Эта структура сравнивается с шерстяной вязкой. Внутри располагаются различные пространства, в том числе и общественные. Улицы как бы вливаются в гнущиеся башни, а лифты внутри них становятся поездами, взбирающимися по наклонным плоскостям и спускающимися в городской метрополитен
The building, according to the author, forms a single megastructure, a complex network that cannot be decomposed into separate components. This texture is compared to a wool knit. Inside there are various spaces, including public ones. The streets seem to merge into bending towers, and the elevators inside them become trains that climb inclined planes and descend into the city subway.
Opulent Virulence
“My collection is inspired by my fascination with nature; an interpretation of the complexity and unrestrained beauty of nature, which I express through complex layering, colour and a maximalist aesthetic that takes joy in abundance and opulence. I create my own ecosystems of layered and built fabrics in knit, print and unconventional embroidery. My clothes are in a state of rewilding – I infect the silhouettes with rich colourful textiles, giving them life. I grow my embroideries over graphic and sculptural silhouettes to emphasise and contrast the organic and the built landscape.” Rosie Danford Phillips
Роуэн Мерш
The essence of Rowan Mersh’s work lies primarily within the complete understanding of a fabric or material. From understanding a textile’s inherent characteristics, from their structure and the way they are knitted, woven or formed, to the yarns used in their construction, an intuitive sense is able to develop. It is this affinity with the cloth that informs possible capabilities and potential for manipulation, and subsequently all his creations.
Mylène Boisvert was born in Drummondville, Quebec in 1971. She lives and works in Montreal where she completed training in Visual Arts at Concordia University and in Textile Design at the Centre design et impression textile (CDIT). She has several years of experience as a textile designer for the knitting industry and as a teacher at the CDIT. Her works were shown in several solo and group exhibitions in Quebec, Ontario, Buenos Aires, Paris and Tournai. A two-time bursary recipient from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, she was also awarded numerous prizes and she earned an honourable mention at Fibreworks 2014, a biennial Canadian fibre work juried exhibition.
Applebaum says she’s always been drawn to the world of craft because it felt “more immediate and real” to her. She launched her career with a so-called “crazy crochet phase” that began with her using sewn together thrift-store afghans to create wildly patterned environments — complete with models encased from head to toe in the blankets — and progressed to smaller knitted objects like anchors, cubist quilts, and oversized chain links. While she was certainly interested in symbolism, and in the transition between two dimensions and three, she was mostly following a series of obsessive urges to figure out how to bring her ideas to life, teaching herself to how to knit, weld, and weave rope along the way.
Graduate of the Danish school of design and the Central Saint Martins College of Fashion and Textile in 2000, Isabel Berglund, having already exhibited around the world, is now one of the creative artists who makes use of knitting in contemporary art. Using knitted wool to create sculptures, she creates archaic memories with the mesh, sometimes incorporating clothing fragments so you can curl up in the sculptures and experience the inside. An experimental space where human and material boundaries merge in a knitted web of emotion, her work puts the poetic insight of a child at our fingertips.
After his organic digital sculptures, Swedish graphic designer and director Jon Noorlander comes back with a similar series titled Knitted. Still digitally, thanks to 3D modelisation softwares like Houdini et Nuke, he imagined abstract, free and organic shapes that make us think of wool threads, playing with different colors gradations.
נלי אגסי
Borrowed Scenery
Nelly Agassi is a multi-disciplinary artist who uses media as diverse as sketching, knitting, video and performance. Her work deals with materials, body and space. For example, in her dress-centered performances, Agassi knits and sews a dress around herself – a dress that expands into the gallery (or outdoor) space and transforms itself from an item of clothing into a voluminous object.
The Life of an Overtaxed Surface
file festival
@> <# !!! ist eine Oberfläche einer beliebigen Maschine, die auf emotionaler Ebene mit den Menschen kommuniziert. Es versucht, interne Prozesse durch eine Veränderung seiner Oberflächenstruktur sichtbar zu machen und auf Wechselwirkungen zu reagieren. Das Ergebnis ist ein spielerisches Handling, das mit einem vorsichtigen Ansatz, reibungslosen Bewegungen und dem Auschecken der Möglichkeiten beginnt. Wenn die Interaktion intensiver wird, wird die Maschine überfordert und zeigt stärkere Reaktionen. Am Ende: völlige Ablehnung, spielt tot, es braucht eine Pause; bis der nächste Benutzer damit interagiert.
Um mit Maschinen arbeiten und umgehen zu können, benötigen wir eine Schnittstelle als Kommunikationsmittel. Wir brauchen es, um zu sagen, was die Maschine zu tun hat, und die Maschine braucht es, um den internen Zustand auszudrücken. Unser Plan war es, eine Maschine zu schaffen, die ihren inneren Prozess oder Zustand emotional ausdrückt. Wir wollten es durch eine Veränderung seiner Form und Struktur sichtbar machen, eine emotionale Kommunikation zwischen Mensch und Maschine ermöglichen und die Maschine ausdrücken kann: "Hey, ich bin überfordert. Bitte komm runter, gib mir eine Pause . "
Diese Maschine und ihre Veränderung von Form und Struktur, um auf Interaktion zu reagieren, muss so einfach und abstrakt wie möglich sein. Deshalb haben wir uns entschieden, nur eine Metapher einer Maschine zu verwenden, ihre Oberfläche, ein zweidimensionales Objekt. Wir verwenden eine metallbeschichtete Folie, die stark zerknittert und abstrakte, interessante und anorganische Zufallsstrukturen ergibt. Einfache Bewegungsmuster betonen die Abstraktion. Die goldene Farbe der Folie gewinnt zusätzliche Aufmerksamkeit. Das Endergebnis simuliert ein lebendes Objekt mit Gefühlen, Handlungen und Reaktionen. Die Benutzer behandeln es auf viele verschiedene Arten und wir konnten ein breites Spektrum ihrer Reaktionen beobachten: süßes Ding, verschiedene Arten eines Tieres, hässlich, verängstigt, seltsam, verwirrend, muss sich darum kümmern und manchmal die Frage: Was macht das? Reaktion der Folie über mich, über meine Interaktion mit ihr, üb
Matija wanted to create garments that drew upon historical types without relying on traditional techniques of construction. He consciously abstained from knitting, sewing, or adhesion to develop an experimental system of fabrication: 3D scans of the body are manipulated using modelling software, transposed into 2D laser-cut patterns, and then rationalised through scripts into shapes that can be interlocked like puzzle pieces. The resultant object is a complex polyhedron without any seams. More significantly, the process that creates it is an entirely original variation of weaving with unlimited possibilities for novel design and new construction. Manually interlocking hundreds of unique laser-cut pieces with techno-couture craftsmanship, he makes ambitious and integrated thought tangible. Matija’s work aestheticises curiosity by striving constantly to authenticate the possibility of genuine innovation in contemporary fashion.
No one to knit sweaters for
big pink bunny
Apparently, a controversial Viennese art group, Gelitin, has erected a giant pink rabbit on the side of an Italian mountainside where they plan for it to stay until 2025. According to Gelitin group member Wolfgang Gantner the bunny was “knitted by dozens of grannies out of pink wool” and is “supposed to make you feel small, like a daisy.” The artists added that they “want people to scale the rabbit’s sides and fall asleep on its stomach”. Apparently the intent of the project was to make climbers smile and provide them somewhere to lay back and relax. Gelatin members insist that the bunny is not just for walking around and that they are expecting hikers to climb its 20 foot sides and relax on its belly. Livestock are apparently urged to not eat the bunny as it is constructed out of straw-stuffed fabric.
knitting house