


source: suckerpunchdaily

Two instincts inform the design: the calligraphic gesture and squishy masses. Calligraphy is a writing form with an extensive history and highly developed technique, both disciplined and beautifully fluid at the same time. The squishy massing works as a means for creating particular moments within the larger forms of the building that simply allows it to do what it needs to in an effortless way. That is, the squishing of the more rigid, formal typology allows for unique moments without compromising the coherence of the larger whole and it produces a posture that relies on mass effects rather than volumetric ones The relaxed posture enables the visitor to move between indoor and outdoor spaces, both equally compelling in the ways they might exhibit art as it coexists with life.
The calligraphic is essentially a series of lines or strokes that dance across the grounds of the site, changing direction, intersecting, converging and diverging. These multiple figures both hug the landscape at intimate moments and fly above it to create shaded outdoor spaces for gathering and exhibition. The various segments of the figures house the storage wing and administrative offices discretely, while restaurants, bookstores, rest areas and support facilities punctuate the varied spaces for exhibition.
The overall organization of the NTCArt is non-hierarchical, dispersed, informal, and opportunistic. It is not composed as a single narrative nor is it an abstract space for the storage and display of art. Rather the architecture visibly intends to foster and shape multiple forms of the convergence of art and life, effectively enabling a new lifestyle. As opposed to the more rigid, institutional model of museum as a precisely choreographed experience, our building allows for a different range of possible experiences. Multiple entrances, paths and experiences interact to produce the new. It is no longer important that viewers see the entire collection from one end to the other, but rather that they can have a series of satisfying experiences each time they visit the museum. It is a place of prompts, not directives, a place one returns to over and over without preconception or rote.
source: amorphis-la
This project explores morphological potentials of the linear museum type.

As a competition for a museum without a collection and situated in a park setting just outside a major city, the proposal employs a strategy based on configuring a line into multiple organizational, circulatory, and spatial conditions. The line is treated as an oscillation between taught volume and supple mass. The thickened line bends, folds over itself, swells, pinches, sags, etc. producing a range of interior and exterior experiences. It becomes a calligraphic object on the ground that offers multiple entry points and curatorial opportunities. While the line as a form has a start and end point, they do not dictate a linear sequence of events. There are local circuits at various scales, suggesting that one could continuously return to the museum and experience it anew.

In collaboration with IDEA Office and Flab
source: architbang





