
André Komatsu

O estado das Coisas

Andre Komatsu  O estado das Coisas

source: marinacamargo

En el apartado Geopoéticas, André Komatsu (São Paulo, 1979) presentó la serie O Estado das Coisas (2011), en la cual cruza referencias fuertes de su ciudad natal y nociones de desterritorialización y circulación maximizada. En una de las obras, enredados a mástiles de banderas, una serie de tenis quebraban el protocolo y subvertían la rigidez de procedimientos diplomáticos y símbolos nacionales. En otra pieza, una mesa circular con ventiladores en su tapa giraba aleatoriamente y creaba garabatos/límites en el suelo del andén. Es una instalación con un macaco utilizado en automóviles que rompe la regularidad de un dry wall expositivo.

La fuerza de la serie de Komatsu hace que todavía lamentemos obras menos interesantes de nombres más conocidos en el panorama brasileiro, como Paulo Climachauska y Marcelo Cidade (este colocado junto a Komatsu, lo que fatalmente generaba una comparación, hasta por la temática y origen próximas), en esta sección de la Bienal.
André Komatsu (1978), é formado em Artes Plásticas pela Fundação Armando Álvares Penteado (FAAP), em São Paulo, cidade onde vive e trabalha.
Dentre as exposições individuais estão: Concreto/Periodico – Natalie Seroussi – Paris – França, 2010; Soma Neutra – Galeria Vermelho – São Paulo – Brasil, 2009; Projeto Bolsa Pampulha – Museu de Arte da Pampulha – Belo Horizonte – Brasil, 2006
Temporada de Projetos 2006 – Paço das Artes– São Paulo – Brasil, 2006. Programa de Exposições 2005-2006 – CCSP – Centro Cultural São Paulo – São Paulo – Brasil, 2006.
E dentre as exposições coletivas: Pra Começo de Século – Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte Contemporânea – Fortaleza – Brasil, 2010; Para ser Construídos – MUSAC- Castilla y Léon- Espanha, 2010; Obsession – Contemporary Art from the Lodeveans Collection – University of Leeds – Leeds – England, 2009; AFTER UTOPIA Museo Centro Pecci – Prato – Itália, 2009; When Lives Become Form: Creative Power from Brazil – Yerba Buena Center for the Arts – San Francisco – EUA, 2009.
When Lives Become Form: Creative Power from Brazil – Brazilian Embassy in Tokyo – MOT – Museum of Contemporary Art – Tóquio – Japão, 2008. Seja marginal, seja herói – Galerie GP & N Vallois & Galerie Natalie Seroussi – Paris – França, 2008.
source: sp-arte
The Brasil­ian André Komatsu was born in 1978 in Sao Paulo, where he still lives and works today. He stud­ied fine arts at the Fun­dação Armando Álvares Pen­teado. In 2005 he won the Bolsa Pam­pulha Award and four years later Komatsu par­tic­i­pated in a res­i­dent pro­gram at the Bronx Museum in New York.
Only in recent years, after being abun­dantly shown in his own coun­try, the work of André Komatsu started to go beyond his bor­ders. The artist describes his work as a reflec­tion of a series of per­cep­tions that are born by the meet­ing of streets, urban spaces, of which he observes the logic of con­struc­tion and evo­lu­tion. Start­ing from demo­li­tions, aban­doned objects, destroyed walls, Komatsu acts on a recon­struc­tion, search­ing for new mod­els of exis­tence and coex­is­tence. His instru­ments for com­mu­ni­cat­ing a polit­i­cal view from the bot­tom, made of ten­sion and resis­tance, are draw­ing, sculp­ture, instal­la­tion. Among the mate­ri­als that he uses with more fre­quency are frag­ile crys­tal glasses and build­ing com­po­nents — often they must sup­port the other, with the risk of break­ing into a thou­sand pieces. Komatsu’s thought, in fact, lingers on the rela­tion­ship itself between the parts of a sculp­ture, of artis­tic nature, but social before that, on its pos­si­bil­i­ties for sur­vival and on its inevitable trans­for­ma­tion in time.
Among Komatsu’s more impor­tant col­lec­tive shows are Ponto de equi­lib­rio (Insi­tuto Tomie Ohtake, Sao Paulo, 2010) and The Peri­patetic School (Draw­ing Room, Lon­dra, 2011). In 2011 the artist received the Pre­mio Illy for Sus­tain Art, assigned by ARCO Madrid, with the work Con­creto Peri­od­ico, and had the oppor­tu­nity to present a project for artist’s cof­fee cups.
In Sao Paulo André Komatsu has shown his work mainly at Gale­ria Vermelho.