

Бохьюн Юн


source: bohyunyoon

Artist Statement

My work poses the question: how does reality becomes exquisitely animated by certain social control systems such as politics, mass media, technology, science, and etc. It is my artistic goal to reveal how human beings are fragile and delicate in these social environments. By living in Korea, Japan and the U.S, I have first-hand experience in diverse social systems and have come to view my life experiences as raw material for my research. With my research in mind, my art utilizes the body as the tool for an intensive investigation of the public and private; examining the relationship between how people understand their body and how this understanding represents themselves in the greater context.
Currently, I am curious about human perception developing parallel with the ever-evolving progression of technological world. Thus, I question technology’s relationship to reality and illusion; asking what is reality? My work takes advantage of illusion to explore and answer this question, and often my artistic materials consist of the body and mirrors. I use mirrors for integrating reality and illusion. I cut, I extend, I distort, I reconstruct, and I fragment the body to create a chaotic image of a human.


Yoon is an assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Yoon participated in the fellowship programs at the Kyoto University of Art and Design in Japan and the Center for Emerging Visual Artists in Philadelphia. He has exhibited his works in Renwick Gallery, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Brattleboro Museum, Hunter College, and Chungju International Craft Biennale in Korea. His work is in the collection at Smithsonian American Art Museum, and West Collection.
source: artsvcuedu

Bohyun Yoon is an assistant professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. Yoon participated in the fellowship programs at the Kyoto University of Art and Design in Japan and the Center for Emerging Visual Artists in Philadelphia. He has exhibited his works in Renwick Gallery, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Brattleboro Museum, Hunter College, and Chungju International Craft Biennale in Korea. His work is in the collection at Smithsonian American Art Museum, and West Collection.
source: bohyunyoon

Dimensions Variable
Materials: live models, plexiglas mirror

Project Venues:
2003 Woods-Gerry Gallery, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI

There are unlimited numbers of reflections of truncated legs, torsos, and arms, which visually connect and create a linear pattern. This provocative image of the depersonalized body is juxtaposed with the development of modern science that enables people to alter their appearance through surgeries or cloning.
source: korealive2013blogspot



Bohyun Yoon (윤보현)生於南韓首爾的藝術家。





Yoon Bo-Hyun曾表示,在創作過程中,「我砍碎、摧毀這些玩偶,然後將零碎的它們拼湊成人類混噸的模樣。」

source: kulturologiaru

Bohyun Yoon – современный корейский художник – создал необычную инсталляцию под названием «Fragmentation», посвященную клонированию человека и космической хирургии. В ней он попытался подчеркнуть как плюсы этих новых направлений науки, так и их минусы. Получилось, конечно, нечто спорное, но все-таки оригинальное.

Bohyun Yoon взял двух моделей, мужчину и женщину, раздел их, положил на стол и обложил зеркалами, «разбив» их тела на части.
Получившаяся инсталляция как бы умножает количество частей тела в несколько раз. Это, по задумке автора, показывает плюсы клонирования. Человечество сможет получить практически бесконечное количество органов для трансплантации. В то время как сейчас больные люди годами стоят в очередях на пересадку сердца, почек, печени и т.д.
«Фрагментация» – инсталляция, посвященная клонированию

Но, с другой стороны, при таком подходе к человеческому телу, люди станут обезличенными. Они будут восприниматься лишь как набор органов, которые можно воспроизвести в любой момент.
«Фрагментация» – инсталляция, посвященная клонированию

В общем, клонирование – это, несомненно, большой прорыв человеческой Цивилизации. Но при этом оно может стать и началом ее конца.
source: ilbloggatore

“Frammentazione” – installazione dedicata alla clonazione
Bohyun Yoon – Coreano artista contemporaneo – ha creato un insolito impianto intitolato «frammentazione», dedicata alla clonazione e la chirurgia spazio. In essa ha cercato di sottolineare sia i plus di queste nuove aree della scienza, così come i loro svantaggi. E ‘risultato, naturalmente, qualcosa di controverso, ma pur sempre originale.
source: disc-coverover-blog

Il s’agit en fait d’un extrait d’une œuvre d’un artiste américano-coréen, Bohyun Yoon : une performance intitulée Fragmentation. Il a travaillé avec deux modèles nus et des miroirs en plexisglas coupés et épousant la forme de leurs corps.