

volume phone book sculpture

Gemis Luciani

source: yatzer

Many have prophesied the extinction of the printed media (the same applies to the good old telephone directory). Having said that, information continues to circulate on paper, and we have to admit that photographs and texts (at least for now) still look better on a magazine page than on a Smartphone screen. The visual impact of printed media and the volume of information they contain – literally, not in megabytes, but in cubic centimetres – has been explored by Berlin-based visual artist Gemis Luciani, whose artistic research focuses on the expressive potential of specific acts of formal reduction; namely the use of printed paper in the visual arts. Luciani’s output consists of two-dimensional tapestries, as well as three-dimensional sculptural forms that are meant to explore the possibilities and potential of printed media as a plastic medium. He achieves a variety of visual effects by treating magazines, books, and telephone directories in unconventional ways: in his ‘‘Models’’ series for example, he creates collages by systematically folding fashion, design, music and architecture magazines in such a way, that only the margins or part of the content are visible. Although meant to be seen as paintings, these sleek ‘‘fold collages’’ still expose their origin, since the artist keeps the magazines’ spines visible and intact. All in all, what we get from Gemis Luciani ’s work is a reassuring aesthetic clarity, supported by a carefully thought out and conceptually sound creative process.
source: thegridsoupio

Focus sur l’artiste italien Gemis Luciani qui compose des sculptures en partant d’éléments étonnants tels que les annuaires téléphoniques, différents magazines et flyers. Des créations originales à découvrir sous diverses formes avec une sélection d’images dans la suite de l’article.
source: kaiaktw

如果你發現家裡有太多佔空間的電話簿和舊雜誌,也許你可以學學下面的作品!義大利藝術家 Gemis Luciani 突發奇想地將電話簿轉換成藝術裝置 “ Piece of space ”,探討文字與圖像之間的關係,藉由裁剪、扭轉與交疊轉換書本原本的形式樣貌,舊書於空間中被賦予了新生命。

Luciani 目前因工作來往於意大利與柏林,他主要研究對象都與生活有關,探討形式簡化的表現潛力,透過操縱、構成、重新組裝,在有系統的調查檢視後重新建構新的形式表現,而 “ Piece of space ” 便是其中之
source: designersouvenirs

Los listines telefónicos si te paras a pensar, y aunque no lo parezca, tienen su punto poético. Libros-#souvenirs que guardan en el interior de sus páginas los secretos de una ciudad y a todos aquellos que la habitan y la aman o por el contrario, la odian. Ahora son objetos olvidados, pero os dejamos aquí una interesante propuesta del artista italiano Gemis Luciani, de convertirlos en esculturas y que así continúen formando parte de nuestras vidas.
source: gemisluciani

Gemis Luciani is an Italian artist currently living and working between Italy and Berlin. His research focuses on the expressive potential of an act of formal reduction. By manipulating,
de-composing and re-assembling common objects such as design magazines, phone books and flyers, he reconfigures them in newly built systems of shapes and surfaces investigating the abstract elements of visual depiction.

He graduated in sculpture at Fine Arts’ Academy in Bologna; he studied photography at Art Kunst Istitute in Enschede (NL) and started collaborating with Teatrino Clandestino – a well known fringe theatre company from Italy – as set designer and performer. Lives and work in Berlin