
Honggang Lu


Necklace Sunglasses

Honggang Lu LUNAR ECLIPSE Necklace Sunglasses

source: vojds
source: hongganglu
– a collection of adornment for your eyes
The way you pull your hair behind your ears;
The way you rest your face on your hands;
The way you take your magnifying glass from your breast pocket;
The way you place your wrist over your eyes…
These actions make your eyewear become the most beautiful jewellery;
Your eyes become the most beautiful gem.
I like to observe different ways people position their hands near their face.
These observations connect the hand to the jewellery, to the eyewear, to the face.
The method of wearing these eyewear pieces varies the interaction between the jewellery and the wearer; as well as offering different ways of placing hands around their face and body.
source: biapplewordpress
Lui è Honggang Lu, creatore di “Lunar Eclipse”, una collezione formata da mistici accessori che richiamano appunto la Luna e qualche accenno in riferimento al sistema solare.