
Jan van der Ploeg

Jan van der Ploeg 22

source: minusspace
“His paintings expand the best of contemporary non-objective work in their shear boldness and fearless scope, the entirety of the painting’s dynamics are always greater than the architecture that supports them…The impact of van der Ploeg’s paintings is located at the intersection of sensation and thought, between the work’s graphic visual impact and its conceptual underpinnings. His paintings are welcomingly antagonistic to narrative. Signifying instead a powerful commitment to the commingling of the familiar, new and strange potentials of color and form.” (Michelle Grabner)
source: collabcubed
Dutch artist Jan van der Ploeg has been painting walls and large panels for a couple of decades. His colorful and precise geometric designs are mostly simple forms sometimes in black and white, other times in bright contrasting colors, but always producing a dramatic effect, in my opinion. Painted in multiple layers of acrylic to create a smooth, untextured finish, reinforces the notion that the color has been reduced to a mere surface.
source: paesesera
L’ artista olandese Jan van der Ploeg ha dipinto pareti e pannelli di grandi dimensioni per un paio di decenni. I suoi disegni geometrici colorati e precisi sono spesso affiancati da forme per lo più semplici a volte in bianco e nero, altre volte dipinte con colori luminosi e contrastanti, ma in entrambi i casi producendo sempre un effetto dirompente, a mio parere.
Verniciato in strati multipli di acrilico per creare una finitura liscia e non testurizzata, ogni suo lavoro rinforza il concetto che il colore è stato ridotto ad una mera superficie.
Jan van der Ploeg è anche co-fondatore del PS Project, uno spazio espositivo situato ad Amsterdam diretto dall’artista.