
Koo Jeong-A

Glow In The Dark Skate Park

Koo Jeong-A   Glow In The Dark Skate Park

source: designboom

koo jeong A has collaborated with belgian firm l’escaut architectures to design a concrete sculpture which features a composition of different bowls connected by one tunnel and a cradle. located on vassivière island in france, ‘otro’ stands as a fully functioning skatepark, but this one’s a little bit different – it’s glow-in-the-dark eliminating the complications of an evening skate session. drawn to the surrounding
mysterious wooded french landscape, the korean artist wanted to create a dreamscape amidst the natural surroundings.
the artwork is something that is meant to live and be used, providing a sensorial experience to skaters and spectators alike.
source: citylab

Prime example: In 2007, Korean-born (but Continental-living) Koo Jeong-a visited an island in the middle of France’s Vassivière Lake for her exhibition, “Oussseux.” Where normal tourists might just take a photo of the island’s lighthouse and head back to land, the artist fell into a rapture over what she experienced as an “unreal, phantasmagoric and powerful dreamscape.”

It’s only suitable, then, that she’s returned to give the island a skate park that’s equally strange. “Otro,” as this piece of grindable sculpture is called, is a bevy of craters and wormholes that glows at night, thanks to a type of phosphorescent concrete that more cities really ought to be using in infrastructure projects. Now French skaters can mongo foot or Ollie North any time of the day, thanks to the equivalent of a million fireflies’ cumulative photon storm.

To build this thrashing apparition, Koo Jeong-a worked with the Brussels-based L’Escaut Architectures and Belgium skate collectives Brusk and Barricade. It took about four years to complete, and has more than 2,000 square feet of surface area spread over several bowls and three tunnels. For those who enjoy artist statements, here’s part of hers for “Otro”:

OTRO is an artwork made of bumps – the cradle – and hollows – bowls and tunnels. This work of Koo Jeong-A refers to both definitions of sculpture and representation: hollows and bumps, shadows and lights, soft or accentuated reliefs…

It is an art work to live, to experiment, not only from a sporting point of view but also from a sensorial, sensitive and artistic point of view. It establishes the link between the urban, practicable, sporting and playful aspect of the artwork as a skate park and the artwork from an artistic point of view as part of Koo Jeong-A’s world.
source: welikethatde

Die 1967 in Séoul geborene Künstlerin Koo Jeong-A hat für das International Center of Art and Landscape in Vassivière Island, den Skatepark OTRO entwickelt. Das besondere an diesem Park ist, das er im dunkeln leuchtet. Der komplette Park ist aus Beton gebaut und hat ein paar Bowls, ein Cradle und drei Tunnel. Damit dürften ziemlich derbe Skatesessions in der Nacht garantiert sein.

OTRO is a daring skateable artwork, composed of different bowls, a cradle and three tunnels.

The concept of OTRO, its ovoid shape, the use of green phosphorescent concrete, its progressive discovery, and its integration in the island meadow make this artwork become an infinite land of investigation, that reflects all details like the light, its link with the site, the atmospheres, the dream and the fantastical. OTRO is an artwork made of bumps – the cradle – and hollows – bowls and tunnels.
source: orgone-design

Née à Séoul en 1967, Koo Jeong-A est aujourd’hui l’une des artistes les plus influentes vivant en France. Cette étudiante formée à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris et couvée par Christian Boltanski expose depuis cinq ans un peu partout dans les grands musées du monde. Son oeuvre subtile est à la fois conceptuelle et sensuelle. L’oeuvre que je vous présente aujourd’hui, intitulée Glow In The Dark, en est une illustration. Il s’agit en réalité d’une piste de skateboard conçue comme une véritable sculpture, qui peut faire penser à certaines réalisations des années 60. Une oeuvre qui nous rappellera aussi l’installation Sculpture Skateable de Rich Holland.
source: longfootdecksru

Vassivière – это остров, кторый находится во Франции, и это, безусловно, одно из самых любимых мест для катания, что там есть. Скейтбордисты, BMX райдеры, роллеры и другие колесные энтузиасты, теперь катаются по ночам в недавно разработанном, светящемся в темноте, скейт-парке OTRO.
Корейский дизайнер Koo Jeong создал скейт-парк Otro не так давно. Основная идея и концепция – возможность кататься в ночное время. Это стало возможным за счет использования в строительстве специального зеленого фосфоресцирующего бетона. Что же. эта идея имеет огромный успех. Как все строилось и что из этого вышло смотрите на фотографиях.
source: sainiaablogspotcombr

Ένα πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζεις όταν κάνεις σκειτ το βράδυ είναι ότι συχνά δεν έχει πολύ φως εκεί που βρίσκεσαι με αποτέλεσμα να μην βλέπεις.. Η λύση στο πρόβλημα έρχεται από τον καλλιτέχνη Koo Jeong-A και το εκπληκτικό Skate Park που φωσφωρίζει στο σκοτάδι!
source: dsgnrcl

Koo Jeong-A ha diseñado una escultura de hormigón que cuenta con una composición de diferentes recipientes conectados por tres túneles diferentes. Ubicado en la isla Vassivière en Francia, ‘Otro’ se erige como un skatepark en pleno funcionamiento, pero este es un poco diferente, es que brilla en la oscuridad eliminando las complicaciones de una sesión de patinaje por la noche. Atraídos por los alrededores del misterioso paisaje boscoso francés, el artista coreano quería crear un paisaje de ensueño en medio del entorno natural. La obra de arte es algo que está destinado a vivir y ser usado, proporcionando una experiencia sensorial a los patinadores y espectadores por igual.
source: oblogcatitablogssapopt

Koo jeong-A criou uma escultura de cimento que apresenta uma composição de formas diferentes ligadas por três túneis diferentes.
localizado na ilha Vassivière na França. Este é um skatepark diferente porque brilha no escuro eliminando as complicações de uma sessão de skate à noite.
Atraído pela paisagem francesa, arborizada e misteriosa o artista coreano queria criar uma paisagem onírica entre o ambiente natural.