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source: headlandsorg
Artist Statement
The crux of my practice has been to continually work between two and three dimensions so that effects of one way of seeing are commingled with the other, and elements are coerced into inhabiting the same abstract field. Investigating the underlying character of isolated elements and circumstances has been an important part of the process, a byproduct of attempts to inspirit things inanimate or rigid. Pieces often act out, show off, and even misbehave, an important part of advancing their cause and surviving the environment that they occupy.
While At Headlands
The liveliness of buildings and stationary structures at the Headlands is a major draw and source of influence for my work. I have noticed that architectural elements of my studio in the basement of building 960 formed an interesting dialogue with my pursued work. There is a unique and cryptic history behind each wall here, and spending time working in different spaces with particular attention given to the unseen or barely noticed details of its complicated past is an interesting endeavor.
source: existbynight
Kyle Austin Dunn uses sculpture and painting to create his abstract geometric pieces. Dunn manages to bring inanimate objects to life as his varied shapes take on behaviour and emotion via his keen use of colour and neutral tones. The gap between sculpture and painting is easily bridged by Dunn, his pieces seem to flow between both disciplines effortlessly.
Dunn creates from his studio just north of San Francisco in the US, making his living by building custom furniture for clients around the Bay Area.