

malas hierbas mutantes / Mutant Weeds

source: thisiscolossal

Luzinterruptus is an anonymous artistic group in Madrid who seek to highlight problems within the city using a wide variety of temporary light-based installations. The group is headed up by a duo including an artist and a photographer who have been using their art to create awareness of social and environmental issues since 2008. Via their website:

We began to act on the streets of Madrid at the end of 2008 with had the simple idea of focusing people´s attention by using light on problems that we found in the city and that seem to go unnoticed to the authorities and citizens. But everything that we do does not have a subversive aim. Sometimes we simply want to embellish, or to highlight anonymous places or corners that seem special or objects to which we think extraordinary artistic value, although they have been left on the streets for unknown seasons, with artistic intention, by anonymous people.
source: trendsnownet

Visant à dénoncer la pollution lumineuse extrême des rues de Madrid, et plus particulièrement celle causée par la lumière verte des enseignes des pharmacies – qui ont le droit d’utiliser des éclairages encore plus intenses – inondant littéralement le voisinage d’un éclairage irréel, un petit coup de projecteur sur cette intéressante installation artistique réalisée par le collectif créatif madrilène Luzinterruptus. Intitulée « Mutant Weeds » et consistant en une sorte de gazon lumineux vert qui symbolise de nouveaux types de végétations mutantes qui verraient le jour sous la lumière verte des pharmacies, découvrez tous les détails du projet en images et en vidéo dans la suite !
source: trendsnownet

Description originale

Of all the environmental pollution that can be found in the city of Madrid, the most evident is light pollution, so much so that in our sky we can never see the Milky Way and hardly any stars. This overillumination is evident to the naked eye at a distance of more than 200 kms and produces a glow that can be seen with a medium-size telescope for more than 700 kms.

It is therefore very surprising, that at a time when the European Union is so careful with issues of environmental pollution, the Dept. of the Environment of the City Council of Madrid rules for illuminated signs, adopted a couple of years ago, changed the rules for pharmacy signs, to allow them to be replaced with much more powerful ones.

So much light emanates from the new crosses that the environment that surrounds each pharmacy, is permanently tinted a deep, vibrant and unnatural green color. Objectively speaking, one could say that the majority of the urban green spaces in our city, are more the result of erroneous illuminated sign rules than the commitment of our institutions to provide the city with places where you can be in contact with nature.

In addition to the obvious color change of the streets, the neighbors who live in the vicinity of 24 hour pharmacies, have watched impotently as every night their rooms become disturbing green places, in which life and the perception of what happens in them is altered, without being able to do anything to avoid it.

Without wanting to play down such a serious subject, but trying to approach it with a sense of humor, which never hurts, we carried out our installation Mutant weeds in which we recreated a not-too-distant future, in which a new and hardy species of photosensitive plant, grows in the asphalt around the pharmacies, nourished by the photosynthesis of its powerful “low” light.

To accomplish this mission, we acquired fluorescent sticks, which we gave the form of blades of grass and we placed them on the pavement, converting the reflections into small radioactive fields that produced a curious anticipation in the many citizens who walked the streets at those hours.

We chose 3 downtown locations and there we left our illuminated fields for a while, while, we talked with the curious pedestrians, after which, we picked everything up so as not to pollute.

Thanks to Clement and Andre for inviting us to their home to take pictures from their green tinted balconies, also to Cris and Alex who helped us with the installation.
source: reprint-blog

Luzinterruptus é um grupo anônimo, de Madrid, que, desde 2008, procura realçar os problemas da cidade através de instalações luminosas. Liderado por uma dupla formada de um artista plástico e um fotógrafo, o Luzinterruptus utiliza a arte para conscientizar a comunidade sobre as questões sociais e ambientais.
source: innovcityfr

La nuit, dans les rues de Madrid, la pollution lumineuse est telle qu’il est presque impossible d’apercevoir les étoiles. Pour les voisins des pharmacies ouvertes de nuit, il serait même parfois difficile de trouver le sommeil, la lumière verte et irréelle des enseignes envahissant les appartements voisins.

Sensible à ces problématiques, le collectif de créatifs espagnol Luzinterruptus nous fait découvrir sa dernière installation urbaine intitulée « Mutant weeds ». A proximité des pharmacies ouvertes de nuit, ils ont créé à même le sol des surfaces aux allures de gazon lumineux faites de petits tubes fluorescents, comme si l’étrange lumière verte des enseignes faisaient croitre une forme nouvelle de végétation urbaine.

corps-luzinterruptus-madrid-120426« Il est surprenant qu’au moment où l’Union Européenne se préoccupe tant des problématiques environnementales, le département de l’environnement de la ville de Madrid, qui fixe les règles de fonctionnement des enseignes lumineuses, ait donné la possibilité il y a deux ans aux pharmacies de remplacer leurs enseignes lumineuses par d’autres, plus puissantes », déplorent ainsi les membres du collectif.

Revisitant le concept de « guerilla gardening », ces artistes en herbe ont donc voulu pointer du doigt l’incohérence qu’ils dénoncent, par une touche d’humour. Résultat ? La lumière artificielle des néons des officines ferait croître des pousses d’herbe sur le bitume des rues de Madrid…