

Мэри Хуанг

Rhyme and Reason

source: fresherru

Как только светодиоды стали доступны по цене, дизайнеры во всю начали внедрять их в детали одежды. Яркий тому пример, новая коллекция Rhyme & Reason от модельера Мэри Хуанг (Mary Huang), где в каждый наряд буквально пылает в ночи.
source: pinkdamaegologotransindexro

Vannak elég félresikerült kísérletek is, de a Mary Huang által tervezett ruhák (rhyme & reason) szerintem a legsikerültebbek közé tartoznak + a helyüket is megtalálták, egy Brooklyn-i kortárs tánc előadás jelmezeként. Huang a fényeket megpróbálta minél inkább belevonni a textilbe, így a ledeket összekötő huzalok beolvadnak, részt vesznek a csipke mintázatának kialakításában.
source: creatorsprojectcn

Mary Huang把整个设计程序外包给穿着服装的你——她推出的解构黑裙D. dress透过她所说的“电脑订制”给予每位客户最个人化的缝制。透过订制软件,客户可以发挥创意,运用三角测距法画出个人的订制服装。纸样会被做成3D模型,之后再变成平面纸样,用来画在布料上用以剪裁,最后成为独一无二的设计作品;这就是数字时代的订制时装设计。Mary Huang还设计过DIY iPhone手套和LED裙子。
source: fashioningtech

Mary Huang’s latest collection for her haute tech fashion label “Rhyme & Reason” dishes out an entirely new attitude toward knits: distinctly feminine designs illuminated (literally) with light.

Ms. Huang drapes light across the body as if it were an invisible layer of sheer fabric, adding dimension, volume and texture. The play with light and dark is what sets her designs apart from other illuminated garments and gives her wearables a level of sophistication and refinement that goes beyond mere gimmick.
source: rhymeandreasoncreative

There have been many garments made using LEDs by now, yet most all work with LEDs in clothing have focused on making “clothes with LEDs”, not “clothes with light”. This distinction is important, as it has totally different priorities.

Dozens of bright white LEDs are embedded in each garment, using a custom developing wiring system for an invisible finish.

All pieces use removable battery components. Custom made Lithium Poly battery packs provide up to 10 hours of continuous light. Standard AAA batteries can also be used.