QUBIT AI: Gabriela Barreto Lemos

Quantum Photography
FILE 2024 | Quantico
International Electronic Language Festival
Gabriela Barreto Lemos – Quantum Photography – Brazil
Quantum photography technique that allows you to record images without light passing through the object.
Typically, a beam of light interacts with an object; In this same beam, the image of that object is formed, which is recorded on a camera, on paper or directly into the eye. This research used two quantumly entangled photon beams. An infrared photon was directed at a silicon wafer engraved with the image of a cat. The other photon, red, was sent on a different trajectory, did not pass through the silicon plate and was detected by an EMCCD (electron-multiplying charge-coupled device – a photographic camera with sensitivity to very low intensity light). The image of the cat engraving was recorded by the camera, which only detected the red light, which did not touch the engraving. It is the first time that an image has been captured in a beam of light that has not interacted with the object that produced the image.
The experiment, led by researcher Gabriela Barreto Lemos, was carried out at the Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation in Vienna, 2014.
The technique has potential for applications in indirect image capture, from medicine to quantum computing.
Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil, whose research focus is on quantum optics, with an emphasis on quantum foundations, quantum images and quantum information. Additionally, she is involved in interdisciplinary creative projects and promoting inclusion and diversity in science.
Gabriela Barreto Lemos
Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology
Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanteninformation
Group of Anton Zeilinger