

لى هونغبو
Ли Хунбо



source: whiterabbitcollectionorg

Even for a book editor and designer, Li Hongbo has an unusual attachment to paper. “I love it and collect it,” he says. He also does increasingly audacious experiments with it. The installation Paper (2010) began when Li Hongbo bought one of the “honeycomb” paper balls used for festive decorations in China and took it apart to see how it was made. “I realised it’s really quite simple,” he says. “Yet the flexibility in terms of shape and properties is amazing.” His take on this craft tradition is indeed amazing, and it is made entirely of common paper. With the help of an assistant, Li Hongbo stuck more than 30,000 sheets together with carefully placed stripes of glue to form what look like two large blocks of balsa wood. Using an electric saw, he carved these stacks into identical human figures. One he leaves intact, except for a toppled head; the other is stretched out like a vast accordion, its torso and limbs looping around the gallery space like a gigantic Slinky toy. Many visitors find it hard to believe that it ever looked anything like its upright twin. The artist hopes the work will awaken viewers to what captivates his own imagination: “the endless possibilities of paper.”
source: journal-du-designfr

L’artiste et éditeur de livre Li Hongbo, basé à Pékin, réalise toute une série d’oeuvres sur le thème du corps humain. Fasciné par les jouets chinois traditionnels et les décorations festives, il s’inspire de ce principe pour concevoir ses projets. Ce qui semble d’abord être de banales mais délicates sculptures en porcelaine sont en réalité composées de milliers de couches de papier blanc dissimulant un secret.
source: acidomagenta

Li Hongbo es un artista de origen chino cuyas esculturas están conformadas por miles de hojas de papel y pegamento.

Mediante una técnica tradicional china muy conocida comúnmente y utilizada para realizar juguetes para niños, Hongbo explora la maleabilidad del medio esculpiendo el material para dar vida a verdaderas obras de arte, mayormente con figuras humanas.

Al unir 30.000 hojas de papel colocadas estratégicamente y formando enormes bloques que dan la apariencia de madera, el artista luego talla los bloques hasta dar con la forma deseada.

La flexibilidad del material sumado a la técnica utilizada provee movilidad a las esculturas, experimentando con distintas formas surrealistas y dando la facilidad al artista de estirar las piezas alrededor de las salas en las cuales exhibe su trabajo.
source: otimagrafwordpress

Se engana quem pensa que as obras de Li Hongbo são feitas de gesso.
As esculturas são realmente sólidas, mas são todas feitas em papel puro branco.
Esta colagem de folha por folha em formas de bustos, mãos, ossos, adquirem uma capacidade de expansão surpreendente.
source: blogartronnet
