

Дженнифер Крупи

ornamental hands

source: highlike

Work: Ornamental Hands: Figure One is part of a series of sterling silver jewelry that reinforces long held standards of beauty by recreating the elegant hand positions seen in artworks throughout the centuries. Each work consists of attachments for the fingers that are suspended by chains and braced on the wrist or neck, positioning the hand marionette-style. A play on precious jewelry, the real decorative ornament is the gestures these works encourage the wearer to assume. The splint-like aesthetic of the pieces also plays with the idea of training the hand to rest in this graceful manner. Like corsets and other restrictive beauty aids, Ornament Hands is yet another extreme tool for beauty. When not worn, the pieces mount onto displays depicting details from the historic paintings that inspired them. Ornamental Hands: Figure One is in the permanent collection of the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
About the Artist: Jennifer Crupi’s work has been shown in over fifty national and international exhibitions—including exhibits at the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington D.C., Museum of Arts and Design, New York City, DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic, and the Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany. Jennifer was the recipient of two New Jersey State Council of the Arts Individual Artist Fellowships (2012 and 2005) and a Peter S. Reed Foundation Grant in 2010. Her work has been featured in numerous publications including Metalsmith Magazine, and the books: 40 Under 40: Craft Futures, Humor in Craft, Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective, 500 Necklaces, among others. Jennifer is a Full Professor at Kean University, Union, NJ where she has taught since 1999.
Photographer: Christian Luis
source: jennifercrupi

Jennifer Crupi’s artwork addresses the ways we communicate with each other visually, through body language. These handcrafted, interactive objects point out various gestures or postures and their associated meanings, in the hope viewers will realize the importance of how our bodies speak for us.

Jennifer received her BFA from The Cooper Union School of Art and her MFA from SUNY, The College at New Paltz. Her work has been shown in over fifty national and international exhibitions—including exhibits at the Renwick Gallery/Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC, the Museum of Arts and Design, New York City, and the Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany. Jennifer was the recipient of two New Jersey State Council of the Arts Individual Artist Fellowships (2012 and 2005) and a Peter S. Reed Foundation Grant in 2010. Her work has been featured in numerous publications including Metalsmith Magazine, and the books, Humor in Craft, 500 Necklaces and 500 Brooches by Lark Books, among others. Jennifer is Associate Professor at Kean University, Union, NJ where she has taught since 1999. Her work is in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian American Art Museum, Museum of Contemporary Craft, and the Samuel Dorskey Museum of Art.
source: huangyuelanb

  据英国《每日邮报》2月5日消息,近日,美国设计师詹妮弗·克鲁皮(Jennifer Crupi)推出名为“装饰手”(Ornamental Hands)的首饰系列,希望借此帮助佩戴者塑造优雅的肢体语言。

  “装饰手”系列中的“强势的手势”,可以帮助人们展现自信、权威的姿态;另一款“腿部保镖”能帮助人们克制抖腿的毛病。此外,詹妮弗还设计了“无防备姿势”(Unguarded Gestures)系列,帮助人们塑造开放、自信的姿态。

source: tribayanaru

Серия механических ювелирных изделий лондонской художницы и дизайнера Дженнифер Крупи (Jennifer Crupi) ломает наши представления о том, какими должны быть женские украшения и аксессуары.
С одной стороны изделия художницы внушают некий страх. С другой стороны белый металл и пружины вызывает ассоциацию с медицинскими протезами, что вызывает жалость (как вариант — смех). В результате в эмоциях наступает полный «разрыв шаблона», но вряд ли вы забудете то, что увидели…
source: chulavistamx

Hay un lenguaje que es universal, que se transmite clara y espontáneamente. La expresión corporal son palabras mudas que sin más explicaciones demuestran al instante lo que sentimos y lo que pensamos; ésta reflexión y la exploración del cuerpo humano llevó a Jennifer Crupi a alentar el gesto, amplificando su fuerza al construir varias series de joyería mecánica que se definen como piezas esculturales que incentivan al lenguaje corporal y a la comunicación no verbal.

Originaria de Inglaterra, Jennifer tiene una larga e interesante trayectoria en la que ha elaborado todo tipo de accesorios en los que las acciones toman un protagonismo que se detiene en el tiempo dando un resultado transgresor, creativo y muy noble recordándonos que una acción dice más que mil palabras.
source: fovixru

Серия механических ювелирных изделий, созданных лондонским художником-дизайнером Дженнифер Крупи (Jennifer Crupi) может двигаться вместе с вашими руками и ногами. С одной стороны, они напоминают протезы. С другой – это все же ювелирные изделия, правда, довольно футуристические. Некоторые украшения позволяют вам почувствовать свое превосходство, другие – должны помогать в передвижении.
source: jewelleryscapeit

Muovere le dita, picchiettarle sul tavolo, muovere nervosamente la gamba e il piede, o farlo solo per abitudine. I linguaggi del corpo sono variegati ma la designer statunitense Jennifer Crupi decide di studiarne solo alcuni e di accentuarli, rendendoli dei veri e propri gioielli meccanici, quasi delle protesi per il corpo. Che sia proprio la gestualità il trend di domani?