Роджер Рейтманн
source: mainfunru
Скульптор Роджер Рейтманн (Roger Reutimann) родился в Швейцарии в 1961 году. В 1985 году окончил College AKAD в Цюрихе. Живет и работает в городе Боулдер, США.
source: rogerreutimann
The ‘Dreams’ series is contemplating the relation ship between reality and fantasy. Materialism versus spiritualism and how the two mutually influence each other. It is a metamorphose of both into form from memories that are formed throughout the day and which left impressions for the unconscious to deal with when the ego is at rest. The sculptures are manifestations of our deepest desires and anxieties. The content reflects the dreamer’s subconscious mind shaped by inadvertent wish fulfillment. The gestures and poses of the sculptures reflect both, manifest and latent content. Explored are the most common emotions and sensations experienced in dreams like anxiety, fear, excitement, melancholy, adventure and sexual fantasies.
source: taringa
Escultor Reitman Roger (Roger Reutimann) nació en Suiza en 1961. En 1985 se graduó en el Colegio Akad en Zurich. Vive y trabaja en Boulder, EE.UU.