source: lab-au
LAb|au| developed a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach based on different artistic, scientific and theoretic methods, examining the transformation of architecture and spatio-temporal structures in accordance to the technological progress within a practice entitled ‘MetaDeSIGN’. Metadesign [ meta = information about information ] displays the theme of space-constructs relative to information processes – architecture as a code. It concerns the transposition of inFORMational processes in n-dimensional form.
Founded in 1997 and based in Brussels, LAb[au] mainly creates interactive artworks, audiovisual performances and scenographies, for which it develops its own software and interfaces. Its four members (Manuel Abendroth, Jerome Decock, Alexandre Plennevaux and Els Vermang) also run since 2003 a digital design gallery, ‘MediaRuimte’, in the centre of Brussels.
The f5x5x5:
The f5x5x5 sculpture is a kinetic and luminous framework conceived and realised by LAb[au]. In software development, a framework is a methodological tool based on re-usable chunks of code, code libraries or other software pieces to assist, to develop and to glue together the different components of a software project. In regards to the f5x5x… installation the term ‘framework’ refers to the installation’s constituting elements, a raster of fix and kinetic aluminum frames.
The installation title indicates the resolution instructing the numbers of modules used such f5x5x1 equal one module up to f5x5x5 equal 5 modules.
Further ‘framework’ refers to the multiple operating modes of the installation, from a low resolution display to a generative and interactive sculpture. Consequently the term ‘framework’ can be understood as a way to manage conceptually and technically the sculpture’s sequential operating modes and the rules by which they switch from one mode to another.
source: designboom
f5x5x5 is a kinetic light sculpture conceived of and realized by the belgian design studio lab[au]. the project was most recently installed in the basilique de saint denis in paris for nuit blanche 2009. the design consists of fixed and kinetic aluminum frames that can move randomly or be programmed for use as a low resolution display. the piece is designed as a framework, taking inspiration from software development
frameworks. in the case of the project, the framework is a five by five module which is repeated five times
to create the final form. one side of the work is white, while the other is black. the 125 pixel screen works on binary language and can transform captured data from the physical environment into kinetic actions.
source: artinterior3dnru
Бельгийская дизайнерская группа “Лаборатория студии дизайна” установила в Парижской базилике Св. Дениса необычную композицию, состоящую из алюминиевых статичных и динамичных стержней. Последние могут перемещаться во всех плоскостях внутри отведенных границ либо беспорядочно, либо по определенному математическому алгоритму, генерируемому компьютером. Кроме того, встроенные датчики слежения позволяют переключить движение динамических частей установки в интерактивном режиме, тем самым в значительной мере обогатить ее и без того эффектную работу.