source: disturbernet
Sasha Kurmaz is a juggler, he plays with an art halfway between ironic and poetic that always distances itself from a purely visual reading. In the pictures of this young photographer – born in 1986 in Kiev, just after the Chernobyl disaster – you will never find fiction translated in metaphor, the weak link of many mediocre artists now around. In them you will find heart and brains, that energy we ask from a work of art in order not to feel cheated. And if you really can’t appreciate them, it means you have a problem with your soul’s DNA.
source: ignantde
Sasha Kurmaz is a young multidisciplinary artist from Kiev in Ukraine. He is primarily interested in the human body and private life, which he portrays with absolutely no dread. Sasha’s goal is to explore the state line of nudes, between love and strong feelings.
Those subjects touch upon his images with collages, integrating both to show his most personal side, deepening on the most cherished of desires and their artistic reconstruction. Sasha captures intimate photographs, aesthetic elements within still life, frivolity and intimacy, strange and beautiful situations. In that way, even everyday moments become erotic; by telling a story. When he is not taking pictures he does installations and street art photography. We are equally interested for his aesthetic creations as much as for his attitude towards inner photography. In addition to the above; we would add a poetic reading to his visual creations, which have a subtle tension between sensuality and repulsiveness, yet they never leave you without a very interesting response.
source: ignantde
Sasha Kurmaz ist ein multidisziplinärer Künstler aus Kiew. Sein Hauptinteresse gilt dem menschlichen Körper, dabei porträtiert er private Momente, ohne jede Scheu. Saschas Ziel ist es den Zustand der Nacktheit zwischen Liebe und Gefühlswelten zu erkunden.
So entwirft er Kollagen, die beide Themengebiete berühren und dabei in einer künstlerischen Rekonstruktion seine Persönlichkeit mit all ihren tiefsten Wünschen widerspiegeln. Seine sehr persönlichen Fotografien erinnern an Stilleben, die sich zwischen Frivolität und Intimität bewegen und seltsame aber wunderschöne Momente zeigen. So erzählen die Bilder Geschichten, die nicht selten sogar das Alltägliche in Erotik verwandeln.