Фабио Вайяле
source: guideswikinut
A young Italian Sculptor based in Turin, Italy, Fabio Viale is a traditionalist using marble for his creations, though his sculptures are never ordinary., in any conventional sense . Anybody with experience of working with marble will know well that the stuff is anything but easy to handle, requiring intense artistic mental and physical effort all the way through the creative process.
In spite of the problems inherent in the handling of it, marble has a kind of translucency which gives any sculpture created of it depth beyond the visible surface, lending realism to the figure. Fabio Viale achieves this, with apparent ease, his works seemingly not of the bulky marble one might expect but instead of what looks like lightweight styro-foam material instead.
Viale is effectively teasing the viewers, fooling them into thinking that they see things that are not there at all, like paper planes, tires, or even a boat. He takes the main thrust of his inspiration from his ability to deceive the onlookers, wanting them to question their own judgment, about what exactly it is that they are looking at.
He models everyday things with breath-taking skill, everything looking as if it were frozen in time, like the toilet-tissue sculpture, but his creations which are sculpted to look like something else create the biggest stir among those looking at his works, disbelieving of his ability to sweep beyond the traditional boundaries.
The wonder of his human anatomy sculptures, with their bizarre tattooing, is the realism with which they presented, the combination of the two art forms very striking for all who look upon them. Fabio Viale is undoubtedly one of the most talented young sculptors around today, his incredible art works unforgettable and brilliantly executed. A truly prodigious talent.
source: pramultidaoblogspot
O escultor italiano Fabio Viale tem um trabalho inacreditável, faz blocos de mármores (preto ou branco, são os mais utilizados pelo artista) se transformarem em peças sutis, delicadas…
É literalmente impressionante, ele consegue dar a escultura efeito de isopor. Também tem peças bem peculiares como o rolo de papel higiênico, pneus, pipoca e até mesmo um barco, que com certeza é inovador, barco de mármore?!
source: picamemag
Non avete le allucinazioni, nel titolo c’è proprio scritto marble, marmo. È questo l’unico materiale utilizzato da Fabio Viale per la realizzazione delle sue opere. Dura, fredda, inamovibile, nelle mani di questo artista la pietra assume qualsiasi forma, anche la più inusuale: copertoni, cassette della frutta, oggetti di carta, forme di polistirolo, persino barche che, contro ogni legge fisica conosciuta, galleggiano! Se non è talento questo…