

efecto mariposa
filegames rio

source: fileorgbr

The installation simulates a real time ecosystem in a scenario of vulcanic ashes. By manipulating the sand, each visitors has the power to modificate the “topology” and the “atmospher” of this virtual world.
source: patriciogonzalezvivo

On Saturday June 4, 2011, after decades of inactivity, Puyehue Volcano ejected a plume of ash 10 kilometers high and 5 wide. This led to a natural disaster with strong environmental and financial impacts in the region. At the same time, the ash killing thousands of living beings ensures the fertility of the region for years to come.

The same ash is the raw material of this work. EfectoMariposa (Spanish for “Butterfly Effect”) is an interactive installation that provides the opportunity to explore destruction and creation, which are combined in an infinite fractal dance, demonstrating the ability of life to cut through the face of adversity.

This is done by simulating an ecosystem over the surface of an ash heap. The user can modify with his own hands the “topology”and the “atmosphere” of this virtual world, unleashing all sorts of climatic and topographic changes that directly influence the conditions of life.

The invitation is to alternate the perception between the micro and the macro scale to discover the complexity and richness of the world around us, as well as to realize our participation and responsibility in this whole.
source: vimeo

Patricio Gonzalez Vivo is an MFA Design & Technology candidate at Parsons the New School for Design in New York as well as a clinical psychologist specializing in nonverbal expressive art therapies. He focuses on bringing cutting-edge technologies to spaces where creativity and playing can transform people.
Working at the confluence of psychology, art and new media, Patricio designs devices that promote participation, contact and co-creation.
source: fileorgbr

A instalação simula em tempo real um ecossistema num cenário de cinzas vulcânicas. Manipulando a areia, cada visitante tem o poder de modificar a “topologia” e a “atmosfera” desse mundo virtual.