Endlessness Of Things
source: sitedouban
由多媒体视觉团体Hibanana Studio和声音艺术家甘健共同创作的声音影像装置作品。作品基于声音触发视觉的创作概念,重视听觉与视觉的同步性和双重体验。作品表达出艺术家对于城市工业,以及律动中城市脉搏的敬畏。在声音底层的律动中,似乎能听到属于这个时代大都市中始终连绵不绝的嗡嗡声,这种噪波使我们无法忘却自己所在,也无法辨析自己的位置边界。
Hibanana Studio成立于2008年,是一个年轻的多媒体艺术工作室,核心成员为苗晶和刘唱。Hibanana致力于新媒体和视听文化的研究,创作涉及影像、音乐、装置、绘画、设计等以新媒体视听文化为核心的多个方面。
甘健, 1986年出生于中国西南著名的工业城市柳州,现于北京居住和创作。作品以音乐部分为核心,涉及影像,平面设计和装置艺术,现场追求声音与影像深度的控制与联系,强调完整合一的视听体验。
source: sitedouban
An Audiovisual Installation work by Hibanana Studio and sound artist Ganjian. The work is based on the concept of sound visualization, and pursuit synchronization of audio and visual, emphasizing the dual experience of audiovisual.
Audience stand in front of the triple screens,hearing the humming which is produced by cities every day, watching the video simultaneously, and forget where they are.Artists handle meaningful subjects in a stylized and minimal way, providing the virtual context for audience.
Hibanana Studio is a Multi-media Art Studio founded in 2008. The core members are MIAO Jing , LIU Chang, and other artists including musician, painter,graphic designer and programming artist.They are aiming at live visuals, VJ, video packaging, motion graphics, design and sound/music production.
Ganjian,born in 1986 in Liuzhou, theimportant industrial city in China. Heis a sound artist who lives and works in Beijing.His artworks focus on sound, and related to visual, graphic design and installation art. His audiovisual performance pursuits the synchronization and controllability of audio and visual, emphasizing the dual experience of audiovisual.