vinyl+ • Expanded Timecode Vinyl
source: jonasbohatschnet
Expanded Timecode Vinyl
Jonas Bohatsch, 2009/10
Project description:
vinyl+ is an interactive installation, experimenting with the expansion of timecode vinyl. Virtual objects are projected onto the surface of a white record and come to life when the record is played. Their behaviour changes depending on the rotational speed of the record as well as the position of the turntable‘s needle. The vinyl acts as the screen, interface and apparent carrier for generative audiovisual software pieces.
The combination of turntable, computer and projector results in a new device, oscillating between analog and digital and hard- and software.
Users are encouraged to spin the record for- and backwards and to carefully reposition the needle.
source: fileorgbr
Um esquema processador é usado para gerar objetos virtuais que são projetados em um vinil timecode branco. Tais objetos podem ser posicionados aleatoriamente ou pelo usuário por meio do teclado de um computador ou de um controlador midi externo. Quando o disco começa a girar, os objetos virtuais se movem na velocidade do disco. Se um objeto virtual toca a agulha do toca-discos, aciona uma animação e o playback de uma canção. Isto é possível porque o timecode do vinil dá informações sobre a velocidade de playback do disco e a posição da agulha, o que permite sincronizar o movimento do toca-discos com o movimento da projeção e calcular colisões de objetos virtuais com a agulha do toca-discos. Em vinil+, um meio analógico funciona ao mesmo tempo como um condutor e uma interface para vídeo-objetos e áudio-objetos virtuais.
Jonas Bohatsch nasceu em 1981. Vive e estuda em Viena. Estudante de Arte Digital desde 2006. Focado em Música, Cultura de Rede e Arte Digital. Trabalha como DJ regularmente. Exposições: (mis)used media, Viena, 2007: movie – really far away (RGB-LED, Arduino, feature film) Alias in Wonderland, Viena, 2009: v+ (Expanded Timecode Vinyl) Die Angewandte/Media Showcase, Viena, 2009: v+ (Expanded Timecode Vinyl)
source: fileorgbr
A processing sketch is used to generate virtual objects being projected on white timecode-vinyl. These objects can either be placed randomly or by the user via the computer keyboard or an external midi controller. If the record starts to turn, the virtual objects will move with the speed of the record. If a virtual object touches the turntables needle, it will trigger an animation and the playback of a sound. This is possible because the vinyl’s timecode provides information about the record’s playback speed and the position of the needle, thus enabling to synchronize the movement of the turntable with the movement of the projection and to calculate collisions of virtual objects with the turntable’s needle. In vinyl+, an analog medium at the same time acts as a carrier and an interface for virtual audio- and video-objects.
Jonas Bohatsch born in 1981. Lives and Studies in Vienna. Student of Digital Art since 2006. Focus on Music, Network Cultures and Digital Art. Works as a DJ on a regular basis. Exhibitions: (mis)used media, Vienna, 2007: movie – really far away (RGB-LED, Arduino, feature film) Alias in Wonderland, Vienna, 2009: v+ (Expanded Timecode Vinyl) Die Angewandte/Media Showcase, Vienna, 2009: v+ (Expanded Timecode Vinyl)