Розалин де Телин
LIght sculptures
source: gridder-stylelivejournal
Автором этих работ является дизайнер Розалин де Телин. Она уже более 10 лет занимается созданием светящихся скульптур и инсталляций, проводя различные эксперименты со светом и используя такие явления, как преломление, фрагментация, отражение и прозрачность. Основным материалом для её творчества является оптическое волокно, органические стекла, зеркала, кварцевые кристаллы и многое другое.
source: roselinedethelin
Roseline works with light as a medium and as a subject for over 15 years. She creates light sculptures and light installations that play with the epiphenomena of light: reflection, refraction, fragmentation, conduction and transparency.
She designs light art pieces and installations for public spaces and private homes internationally.
She exhibits regularly in Spain where she is based and abroad.
Finding inspiration in astronomy, scientific theories, quantum physics, and the expansion of consciousness, her work explores organic and energetic forms such as spirals, ellipses, and waves. Fiber optic has become one of her main medium; she developed her own original technic of edging the fibers to create large light pieces.
Her latest holographic sculptures are a reflection on life, illusion and the evolution of mankind.
This serie feature a family of light beings “the homos luminosos”.
Her next project with this medium is to create surrealistic installations that play with brain perception.
Roseline is training as a Gestalt art therapist and facilitates transformatives creative workshops.