Имме Ван Дер Хаак
Beyond the Body
source: portalpitanga
Além do corpo por Imme van der Haak
A Designer holandesa Imme van der Haak , do Royal College of Art , imprimiu fotos de pessoas, de diferentes idades, aparências e gerações, em lençóis de seda transparentes.
Em uma apresentação de dança, dançarinos movimentam e manipulam o tecido revelando vislumbres de seus próprios corpos e rostos. É difícil dizer onde termina uma pessoa e começa a outra.
O trabalho de Imme é brincalhão, mas sutil em sua abordagem. Ela se esforça constantemente para questionar e desafiar nossa percepção. Lindo trabalho, confira o vídeo
source: dezeen
Royal College of Art graduate Imme van der Haak has printed photos of people onto silk shrouds so that the wearer’s image is overlaid with someone else’s face and body (+ movie).
In the movie, two female dancers wear the translucent silk garments, which are printed with photos of men and women of various ages and appearances.
As the dancers move and reveal glimpses of their own bodies and faces, it’s hard to tell where one person ends and the other begins.
Van der Haak also created a flipbook on a stand that blurs old and young faces.
Van der Haak graduated from the college’s Design Products course and Beyond the Body is on display at Show RCA 2012 until 1 July.
See more stories from Show RCA 2012 here, including a tour with course leader Tord Boontje.
Here’s some more information from the designer:
Beyond the Body
A perception of appearance and identity
My work focuses on altering the human form by affecting its figure with just one simple intervention. Photos of the human body are printed onto translucent silk which will create the possibility of physically layering different bodies, ages, generations and identities.
In a dance performance, the moving body manipulates the fabric so the body and the silk become one, distorting our perception or revealing a completely new physical form. The movement then brings this to life.
Beyond the Body brings into being an ambiguous image that intrigues, astonishes or sometimes even disturbs.
Imme van der Haak was born and raised in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Imme went on to graduate in 2010 from Artez, the academy of arts in the same city. Following this, she moved to London to begin studying a master in Product Design at London’s reputable Royal College of Art where she graduated in June 2012.
Imme’s work is playful, yet subtle in its approach. She constantly strives to question and challenge our perception of what is ‘normal’, focusing on the everyday, which we might take for granted.
source: immevanderhaaknl
Imme van der Haak is born and raised in Arnhem, the Netherlands. Imme went on to graduate in 20120 from Artez, the academy of arts in the same city. Following this, she moved to London to begin studying a master in Product Design at London’s reputable Royal College of Art where she graduated in 2012.
Imme’s work is playfull, yet subtle in its approach. She constantly strives to question and challene our perception of what is ‘normal’, focusing on the everyday, which we might take for granted.
Imme is currently available for freelance, full time and collaborative work.
source: immevanderhaaknl
Beyond the Body
A perception of appearance and identity
My work focuses on altering the human form by affecting its figure with just one simple intervention. Photos of the human body are printed onto translucent silk which will create the possibility of physically layering different body’s, ages, generations and identities.
In a dance performance, the moving body manipulates the fabric so the body and the silk become one, distorting our perception or revealing a completely new physical form. The movement then brings this to life.
Beyond the body brings into being an ambiguous image that intrigues, astonishes or sometimes even disturbs.
source: idoartdk
L’idea della giovane designer neerlandese Imme van der Haak mette a nudo la diversità indagando la forma del corpo umano nelle sue mutevoli espressioni
Il corpo di una persona si sovrappone a quello di un’altra. Vecchio su giovane, giovane su vecchio, donna o uomo: le identità si avvicinano fino a coincidere, poi tornano ad allontanarsi, si confondono e si riprendono. Ognuna col suo doppio.
Per capire bisogna guardare il video: cosa è più vero, la giovane o la vecchia, l’uomo o la donna? Il gioco cui ci invita l’artista olandese Imme van der Haak è intrigante. Le foto di persone stampate su veli di seta si sovrappongono all’immagine della persona che li indossa. Facce e corpi di uomini e donne di varia età e aspetto che prendono vita nei movimenti delle due danzatrici del clip: un susseguirsi di tratti somatici ed espressioni che cambiano, convergono e si trasformano in una fusione tra i corpi reali e impressi sulla seta.
La giovane van der Haak, che si è recentemente diplomata in Product Design al Royal College of Art di Londra, è solita lavorare su alterazioni della forma del corpo umano a partire dall’introduzione di semplici elementi, mettendo in discussione il concetto di “normalità” e concentrandosi sulla quotidianità, troppo spesso data per scontata.
source: metalocuses
Imme van der Haak nació y se crió en Arnhem, Países Bajos. Inme se graduó en 2010 en Artez, la academia de artes de la misma ciudad. Después de esto, se trasladó a Londres para comenzar a estudiar un máster en Product Design en la conocida Royal College of Art de Londres. El trabajo de Imme es lúdico, pero sutil en su planteamiento. Su trabajo es un esfuerzo constante por cuestionar y desafiar nuestra percepción de lo que es “normal”, en lo que damos por sentado, centrándose en la vida cotidiana. Imme trabaja como freelance y en trabajos de colaboración a tiempo completo.