

sonic Water

source: creativeapplicationsnet

Sonic Water by Sven Meyer & Kim Pörksen is an installation currently on show in Berlin’s Olympus Photography playground. The exhibition explores sound in visual form where visitors can interact with a small container of water positioned inside the speaker. Simultaneously as the sounds change, the camera located above the container provides instant feedback as projection. Depending on the frequency of the sound and the fluids added to the mix, new patterns are constantly regenerated. From chaos becomes order reflecting the harmonic laws of nature.
source: designboom

the fascination of ‘sonic water’ by media artists sven meyer & kim pörksen, is rooted in their ability to aesthetically express sound as a visual experience. the installation produces constantly transforming images – which react when a user adds content to the liquid mix.
water in small containers act as flexible three-dimensional sculptures that translate sounds into kinetic imagery. through the use of light and speakers, the water tanks produce wave patterns depending on different audible frequencies, reflecting on the process of changing chaos and order. by following the law of the golden section – the liquid soundscapes react like forces of nature, reproducing identical vibrational patterns found in the tones of the solar system.