


Surfing on the Ray of Light – 光面漫游


source: highlike

Work: “Surfing on the Ray of Light” is an interactive installation that consists with fluorescent light tubes as the medium to form light tracks. The choice of medium, fluorescent light tubes are materials seen daily. A massive and tightly organized materials and electric installation are put together to form an invisible electric field. When the human body touches the installation, it also provokes the energy to flow, and the installation will produce a track of lights. The artist attemps to search for the possibilities of the interactions with different compositions combined between materials, body, and the space. The artist attempts to create different scenes of lights composed by different body postures. The human body has to touch the installation directly, and the area instantly lights up. The physical contacts of human: skin, hair, muscle, and even air, form a flow of lights on the surface of the installation. The lit area follows the body moments to flow and to expand. The interaction between a person and the installation would affect others in the same space, and to entice their interest to interact with the installation, and they together can leave their traces in action with their bodies. The space therefore is changed because the spectators also become a part of the installation and the space. The piece is formed by seemingly hard materials, but it also moves smoothly and silently like a ray of light surfing. This light flow is an attitude that is free from standpoint and personality. The interaction between the spectators and the piece regresses to the pure direct physical contact, and any possibilities present by people relationships in the space.
source: highlike

<光面漫游(Surfing on the Ray of Light)>是一件互動裝置,以生活中常見到的日光燈管為媒材,並利用大量緊密排列材料的組構形式和電路裝置產生一個不可見的物理性電場,透過身體直接的接觸作品,帶動場內能量的流動,並立即產生光的行徑軌跡。藝術家試圖在這個作品中找尋物質、身體和場域之間因為組構而產生互動的可能性。 「眼前的光,因為每個人多變的身體姿態,而呈現不同的可視風景。」藉由人體直接觸摸,在當下變化形成光的區塊,隨著身體移動而飄移與擴張。透過皮膚、毛髮、肌肉甚至空氣,在裝置表面上形成發亮的波動。 一個人和裝置的互動,將感染空間中其他的旁觀者,使讓更多的人因此產生連結關係,一起在肢體的移動中書寫運動軌跡、改變空間狀態,也讓參與者在與作品的互動當下也變成完成作品一部份。 作品以一種看似強硬的材質組構而成,卻又以光滑柔軟的方式安靜地移動,是一幅光的漫游,傳達出一股無立場、無個性的漫游態度,讓觀者與作品的互動,回歸到因為開放身體而產生直接經驗的狀態上,和現場人群關係形成任何可能的樣貌。