

Натан Савайя
나단 사와 야
ناثان صوايا


source: boredpanda

Some artists use paint, others bronze, but Nathan Sawaya chooses to build his awe-inspiring art out of toy building blocks. LEGO® bricks to be exact. The former corporate lawyer quit his job in 2001 to focus on becoming the world’s foremost LEGO artist.

With more than 1.5 million colored bricks in his New York studio, Saway’s sculptures take many forms.

Sawaya’s art is currently touring North American museums in a show titled, The Art of the Brick. It’s the only exhibition focusing exclusively on LEGO as an art medium. The creations, constructed from nearly one million pieces, were built from standard bricks beginning as early as 2002. More information on the tour, dates and locations can be found here.

A full-time freelance artist, Sawaya accepts commissions from individuals, corporations, and … well just about anyone with a good idea! He’s also available to design and build custom creations at events, photo shoots and conventions.

So let Sawaya know what you have in mind, he says, that there are literally no limits to what he can create out of LEGO.

To make this article even more interesting – we’ve also added some interesting facts about LEGO bricks underneath the pictures. Hope you like it – enjoy!
source: inspirationfeed

Nathan Sawaya is a New York based artist best known for his contemporary Lego art. Born in Colville, Washington and raised in Veneta, Oregon, Sawaya’s childhood consisted of drawing cartoons, writing stories, perfecting magic tricks and playing with Lego’s. After attending New York University, he rediscovered LEGO. Rather than using them as a toy, Sawaya realized that he could use Lego’s as his medium.

There are literally no limits to what he can create out of Lego’s. As a full-time freelance artist, Sawaya accepts commissions from individuals, corporations, and just about anyone with a good idea. He’s also builds and designs custom creations at events, photo shoots, and conventions. Currently Nathan has more than 1.5 million colored bricks in his New York art studio. His work is obsessively and painstakingly crafted and is both beautiful and playful.

According to journalist Scott Jones, “Sawaya is a surrealist mash-up of forms and artists. Imagine Frank Lloyd Wright crossed with Ray Harryhausen, or Auguste Rodin crossed with Shigeru Miyamoto, and you start to get a sense of where Sawaya is coming from.”

Nathan’s art form takes shape primarily in 3-dimensional sculptures and oversized portraits. He continues to create daily while accepting commission work from around the world. Today we collected some of his best works for you to enjoy.
source: bloggaborit-d

Nathan Sawaya est un artiste basé à New York, qui crée des œuvres grandioses et invraisemblables. Ses récentes tournées dans les musées nord-américains nous montre de magnifiques sculptures à grande échelle en utilisant uniquement des blocs de jeu de Briques LEGO ®

Aujourd’hui Sawaya a plus de 1,5 millions de briques de couleur dans son atelier artistique de New York. Son travail est obsessionnelle et soigneusement conçu pour que cela soit à la fois beau et ludique. Sawaya à la capacité de transformer les briques LEGO en quelque chose de nouveau comme vous pouvez le voir dans la suite de l’article. Du grand art. Coup de coeur supplémentaire pour le street art en dernier en bas avec la vidéo.

De toutes façons que cela soit des publicités Lego, des scènes de vie Lego ou encore la parodie du tant attendu mariage du prince William en Lego, cela plait aux petits comme aux grands.
source: noot

O artista americano Nathan Sawaya poderia ser chamado de “Rei do Lego”. Na verdade, ele já recebeu um apelido semelhante ao citado acima. “O Rei dos Blocos”- assim que foi chamado por uma revista norte-americana, cria esculturas utilizando milhares de peças de Lego.

Os trabalhos de Saways estão estampados no livro ‘The Art of Nathan Sawaya’. Além disso, uma exposição, intitulada de ‘The Art of the Brick’, já passou pela América do Norte, Ásia e Austrália.

As esculturas de Nathan Sawaya são incríveis e criativas. Mas, convenhamos, a quantidade de peças que ele utiliza é imensa. E aí Sawaya, já ganhou patrocínio da Lego?
source: trendyzooohwordpress

Tutti abbiamo amato i mitici mattoncini LEGO da bambini, non si discute!
Nathan Sawaya è un vero e proprio artista del LEGO, con cui ha creato alcune opere d’arte ora esposte, in giro per il mondo, nella mostra The Art of the Brick.
Le sue opere sono grandi sculture realizzate utilizzando solo i mattoncini giocattolo appunto.

Durante l’infanzia Sawaya – che nel suo studio a New York ha più di 1,5 milioni di mattoncini colorati – si è cimentato in varie attività creative: ha disegnato fumetti, scritto storie e addirittura perfezionato giochi di prestigio, oltre ovviamente ad aver giocato coi LEGO!
Fino a che, dopo il college, ha riscoperto quei mattoncini colorati trasformandoli nel mezzo prediletto per esprimere la sua fantasia, elevando così a opera d’arte quello che è un giocattolo ordinario.

Il suo lavoro è meticoloso, quasi ossessivo: Sawaya è molto attento a riprodurre le dimensioni in scala, nonché nella scelta del colore. La sua arte si esprime soprattutto attraverso le sculture in 3D e nei ritratti di grandi dimensioni.

“Sono molto legato a queste opere, in quanto riflettono la mia crescita come artista, il modo in cui ho scoperto la mia identità creativa.
La mostra è accessibile a tutti perché coinvolge il bambino che si cela in ognuno di noi e contemporaneamente vuole trasmettere concetti sofisticati e complessi. Chiunque può riconoscere questo mezzo in quanto si tratta di un giocattolo che molti bambini hanno in casa. Ma voglio trasformare questo semplice giocattolo in qualcosa che non è mai stato prima.” (Nathan Sawaya)
source: labqriousjp

弁護士だったNathan Sawaya氏は、子どものころから慣れ親しんだLEGOを遊びではなくアートとして、人々を魅了させる道へと進んだ。ニューヨークをベースに活動をしていて、アートスタジオには150万色以上のブロックを在庫しているという。通常は多くても10色ぐらいだと思うが、この辺りが遊びとアートの取り組み方の違いなんだろう。