

Gustavo Sanabria

source: luzinterruptusseeme

Luzinterruptus is an anonymous artistic group, who carries out urban interventions in public spaces. We use light as a raw material and the dark as our canvas.

The two members of the team come from different disciplines: art and photography and have wanted to apply our creativity in a common action, to leave lights throughout the city so that other people put them out.

We began to act on the streets of Madrid at the end of 2008 with had the simple idea of focusing people´s attention by using light on problems that we found in the city and that seem to go unnoticed to the authorities and citizens.

But everything that we do does not have a subversive aim. Sometimes we simply want to embellish, or to highlight anonymous places or corners that seem special or objects to which we think extraordinary artistic value, although they have been left on the streets for unknown seasons, with artistic intention, by anonymous people

And we carried out all this with the material that we know firsthand and inspires us most light. Besides providing a great visual impact, light allows us to make interventions in a smaller degree and greater in others. We avoid deteriorating urban furniture and leave room on the scene for other artists to work on or to the users of that common space, which is scarce in great cities.

Our interventions are extraordinarily short lived, they take less than one hour to disappear since our small luminous devices, make Madriliam wild cats desire strongly to gel their hands on them, quite to the contrary, we find interesting that somebody could interpret, that what we have left on the street, is a small present which they to find on their way.
source: inhabitat

The Spanish collective took over Melbourne’s stark Federation Square, converting it into a warm and welcoming space with thousands of glowing books. The books, which were actual rejects from multiple libraries, were donated to Luzinterruptus by the Salvation Army for the project.

The river of books spilled over the occupied pedestrian areas and seeped into the street, depriving cars and buses of their allocated spaces, giving the books one last surge of power before their impending descent into thrift stores or the recycling bin.

Visitors weren’t angry at the interruption in traffic – instead they reacted with intrigue and genuine interest. Dozens of passersby took a break in their commuting to sit and thumb through the books, reading bits here and there under the LED displays in the plaza.

To end the magical installation, Luzinterruptus let visitors take their time and choose books right from the installation, taking home their favorite volumes to read and to remember the provocative and powerful piece that took over Flinders Street.
source: loungeobviousmagorg

Luzinterruptus é um coletivo de arte anônima formado por três artistas. O nome, que vem do latim e significa “luz interrompida”, tem a ver com o método de trabalho e o que acontece com as lampadas logo depois de terem sido deixadas nas ruas.
Apesar das obras parecerem mais complexas do que uma intervenção de arte em sentido clássico, a ideia por traz do trabalho é simples, atrair atenção através da luz em locais públicos para que possam ser compreendidas pelas pessoas que passam sem necessidade de instruções, além de chamar a atenção para coisas obvias que muitas vezes são esquecidas pela pressa das pessoas enquanto caminham pelas ruas.

Em junho eles foram para Melbourne realizar um trabalho em grande escala – a maior até agora – no Festival de Inverno. O tema do festival foi ‘leitura’ e a ideia foi recriar o Literatura versus Trafego que já havia sido realizado em Nova York em menor proporção.

Dez mil livros descartados por bibliotecas públicas por serem considerados obsoletos foram recolhidos e doados aos artistas pelo Exército da Salvação. O resultado foi um rio de livros transbordando pelas ruas e calçadas, roubando espaço do tráfego intenso na área simbolizando a tomada de controle das ruas pela literatura, conquistando o espaço público e oferecendo aos cidadãos um momento único em que a rotina e a pressa do dia-a-dia se rendem ao poder da palavra escrita.
Na última noite, os visitantes puderam escolher os livros que os interessaram para levar pra casa e outros foram doados aos motoristas que passavam pelo local, que ficaram impressionados com o presente inusitado.
No final do projeto, fica um questionamento sobre qual o critério adotado pelas bibliotecas para descartar os livros – alguns verdadeiros clássicos – que foram resgatados graças a um trabalho belíssimo e inovador.
source: arteycallejero

Más de 10 mil libros tirados por las bibliotecas públicas fueron rescatados y se llenaron de luz para alumbrar la ciudad de Melbourne, para detener a peatones y conductores y para, al final, invitarlos a llevarse a casa sus ejemplares favoritos.

Más de 10 mil libros tirados por las bibliotecas públicas formaron parte de la nueva intervención de Luzinterruptus, “Literature Versus Traffic”.

Los libros, originalmente destinados a ser destruidos o reciclados, fueron donados por el ejército de salvación a Luzinterruptus para este proyecto, que a su vez formó parte del festival “Light in Winter”. Fueron regados por todo Federation Square, con pequeñas luces LED adheridas a sus páginas.

Los visitantes no se mostraron enojados por la interrupción al tráfico, sino que reaccionaron con intriga e interés genuinos. Docenas de peatones interrumpieron su camino a casa para sentarse, hojear libros al azar y leer fragmentos de lo que llegara a sus manos.

Al final de la noche, Luzinterruptus invitó a los visitantes a llevarse a casa sus ejemplares favoritos.
source: vinyculture

Des images des rues de la ville de Melbourne couvertes de vieux livres tout étant illuminés ont attiré notre attention. On les partage avec vous ici, ça peut en inspirer plus d’un !

C’est dans le cadre du festival ” The Light in Winter“, organisé chaque année à Melbourne, que des artistes locaux et internationaux, designers, architectes, cinéastes et des groupes multiculturels se réunissent pendant un mois, gratuitement, pour présenter sculptures lumineuses, conférences, ateliers, spectacles et célébrer donc le solstice d’hiver.

Pour sa sixième année, le collectif artistique espagnol “Luzinterruptus” a eu cette idée brillante, ce n’est rien de le dire, d’utiliser quelque 10.000 livres abandonnés recueillis par l’Armée du Salut dans leur projet. Ces livres sont posés par terre tout en étant illuminés. Le public est invité à prendre tous les exemplaires qu’il veut à la fin de l’évènement.
source: architectorua

Более 10000 книг, выброшенных публичными библиотеками, недавно обрели новую жизнь в необычной световой инсталляции от студии Inhabitat Favorites Luzinterruptus. Названный «Литература против трафика», этот арт-объект «выплеснулся» на улицы Мельбурна во время фестиваля The Light in Winter, удивляя горожан огромным количеством лежащих на тротуаре книг со светодиодной подсветкой. Река из светящихся книг приглашала прохожих полистать полюбившиеся им произведения, которые скоро будут оставлены на свалке, и, возможно, взять их домой.

Испанская творческая команда выбрала под свой проект площадь Stark Federation Square в Мельбурне, превратив ее в теплое и уютное пространство с тысячами мерцающих книг. Книги, которые были фактически отвергнуты несколькими библиотеками, передала в дар студии Luzinterruptus компания Salvation Army.

Река книг вылилась на пешеходные зоны и даже просочилась на проезжую часть улицы, лишив автомобили и автобусы их полос движения, давая книгам возможность в последний раз показать свою силу и ценность перед отправкой в благотворительные магазины, либо в мусорную корзину.

Зрители и прохожие не сердились на авторов за прерванный трафик – вместо этого они взаимодействовали с объектами, проявляя к инсталляции неподдельный интерес. Десятки прохожих останавливались, изумленные, садились и листали книги, читая любимые рассказы и романы под светодиодными лампами в разных участках площади.

В завершении этого магического действа Luzinterruptus предложили посетителям выбрать книги прямо из арт-объекта и забрать домой свои любимые литературные произведения, чтобы читать и помнить об этой провокационной акции на Флиндерс-стрит.
source: mniusnews

燈光藝術團體Luzinterruptus又製作了一組令人驚嘆的街道藝術作品──「書海」不再是一個誇張的形容詞,而真實出現在澳洲墨爾本聯邦廣場 (Federation Square)與附近街區。多達一萬本廢棄的書籍重新利用,每一本都點上了燈,達成了這麼一片壯觀景象。




source: cyprusmanianet

Πολλές φορές, οι δημόσιες βιβλιοθήκες, λόγω έλλειψης χώρου ή και της τραγικής κατάστασης κάποιων βιβλίων, αναγκάζονται να τα καταστρέψουν ή να τα πετάξουν. Αν και η ποιότητα κάποιων βιβλίων ίσως να μην είναι και η καλύτερη, κάποια από αυτά μπορούν ακόμα να διαβαστούν και να αποκτήσουν ξανά αξία. Μια ομάδα ανώνυμων, δημιουργικών ανθρώπων που ακούει στο όνομα, Luzinterruptus, αποφάσισε να κάνει τέχνη τα παλιά βιβλία, δείχνοντας στον κόσμο ότι κάποια πράγματα δεν πρέπει να πηγαίνουν χαμένα.

Η περίεργη έκθεση βιβλίου που αποφάσισαν να κάνουν, ονομάζεται Literature vs. Traffic και έλαβε χώρα στους δρόμους της Μελβούρνης. Η ομάδα Luzinterruptus, δημιούργησε έναν ποταμό από βιβλία σε πεζόδρομους της πόλης, μεταμορφώνοντας τις πολυσύχναστες περιοχές της σε χώρο διαβάσματος, φωτισμένο από μικρά φωτάκια. Οι ενδιαφερόμενοι είχαν τη δυνατότητα να επιλέξουν και να πάρουν όποια και όσα βιβλία ήθελαν, καθώς επίσης πολλά από τα βιβλία δίνονταν στους οδηγούς που περνούσαν από το σημείο της υπέροχης αυτής έκθεσης!
source: perfactorg

Në kuadër të festivalit ‘Dritë Në Dimër’ zhvilluar në Melburn të Australisë këtë qershor, grupi spanjoll Luzinterruptus paraqiti një instalacion, struktura e të cilit zuri një siperfaqe mjaft të madhe, më të madhen deri më sot nga ky grup.

Tema këtë vit ishte ‘leximi’, prandaj artistëve iu kërkua të merrnin projektin ‘Literatura vs. Trafiku’, një pjesë që e kishin instaluar më parë në New York dhe ta zgjeronin brënda një muaji.

Me më shumë se 10.000 libra të hedhur nga bibliotekat publike dhe të ndriçuar nga Guerrilla Lighting së bashku me miq të tjerë dhe vullnetarë, këto fotografi e tregojnë më mirë historinë një mujore të punës, ekzekutimit dhe reagimeve ndaj projektit.

At the ‘Light In Winter’ festival held in Melbourne, Australia this past June, the spanish group Luzinterruptus presented an instalation, the structure of which occupied a fairly large area, the largest to date from this group.

This year’s theme was ‘reading’, so the artists were asked to take their project ‘Literature vs. Traffic’ , a piece they had previously installed in New York and expand it during a month.

With more than 10,000 books discarded by public libraries and lighted by Guerrilla Lighting along with other friends and volunteers, these pictures tell a better story of the month long work, execution and feedback for the project.

“Duam që literatura të zaptojë rrugët dhe të bëhet pushtues i hapësirave publike, duke i ofruar këmbësorëve një hapësirë pa trafik, që për disa orë natën do të zotërohet nga fuqia modeste e fjalës së shkruar.
Në këtë mënyrë, një hapësirë ​​urbane tradicionalisht e rezervuar për shpejtësi, ndotje dhe zhurmë, për disa orë do të kthehet në një vend paqeje, relaksimi dhe bashkëjetesë -ndriçuar nga një dritë e butë, që na bën të ndihemi rehat, në një mjedis të këndshëm, pavarësisht nga kaosi që na rrethon.

Librat me tema të ndryshme, do të jenë në dispozicion të kujtdo që dëshiron ti lexojë apo ti marri ato, me idenë se instalimi do të riciklojë veten dhe të vazhdojë për aq kohë sa përdoruesit do duan të lexojnë në hapësira publike apo ti marrin librat me vete.”
“We want literature to seize the streets and become the conqueror of public spaces, freely offering to those who walk by a space free of traffic which for a few hours of the night will succumb to the modest power of the written word.

Thus, an urban space conventionally reserved for speed, pollution and noise, for a few hours will become a place of peacefulness, relaxation and coexistence. Illuminated by a soft, diffuse light which makes us feel comfortable, in a pleasant environment, in spite of the chaos which surrounds us.

The books, of diverse topics will remain, during the entire intervention, at the disposal of anyone who wants to take them, signifying that the installation will recycle itself and be of the duration which the users want it to linger before disappearing.”

“Përfundimi i kësaj vepre? I njëjtë si herën e parë, një lumë me libra zë hapësirën fizike për këmbësorët, instaluar në vendin e caktuar për makinat, duke vjedhur një hapësirë ​​të çmuar të trafikut të shumtë të zonës, në një gjest simbolik ku letërsia zapton rrugët dhe bëhet pushtues i hapësirave publike, duke i ofruar qytetarëve një hapësirë ​​(jo aq të madhe sa do të na pëlqente) ku trafiku tërhiqet për ti hapur rrugë fuqisë modeste të fjalës së shkruar.”

“The end of this piece? The same as the first time, a river of books overflowed physical space for pedestrians to use, installed in the space allocated to cars, stealing a precious space from the high traffic of the area, as a symbolic gesture in which literature takes over the streets and becomes a conqueror of public space, offering citizens a space (not as big as we would have liked) in which traffic retires to give way to the modest power of the written word.”
source: r-s-kangtistory

한 온라인 커뮤니티 게시판에 올라온 멜버른 독서 장려 캠페인 이라는 제목의 게시물이 이슈입니다.
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이 프로젝트는 이미 뉴욕에서 선보인 적이 있는데 바로 스페인의
예술집단 luzinterruptus에서 선보인 literature versus traffic이라는 프로젝트입니다.