

source: koikoikoi

Jefta, student on digital art, has developed a processing program that allows, from a flux video, to break it down into a set of images and sew them together.

This technique allows to visualize the body on movement from different angles but summarizing it into one single image.
The final depiction is closer to sculpture thanks to the reducing complexity of the different movements carried out.

The HumanSculpture project is a research on the human body motion capture, a study about the trail left by the path on a living body.

Human body is always changing. In between body restrictions and movements urge the body is used as a brush, using itself as a way of managing complex shapes.
The moving objects are multiplied. Filling the space with images between the emptiness and the fullness, the human sculpture takes more and more space.

The repetition of the different people that intertwine and overlap allows to perceive the path of the fix movements in the space.
source: highlike submit
french artist jefta has created a project which melds his interest in photography, painting and digital art in ‘humansculpture’. he developed a processing program that allows, from a flux video, one to visualize the body in movement from different angles then condensed from a set of images into a single, multi-layered print. the shapes formed by human action creates a sculptural effect in the final image. ‘humansculpture’ is a study into the invisible impressions the movement the human body has upon the space in which it resides.

‘in between body restrictions and movements urge the body is used as a brush, using itself as a way of managing complex shapes. the moving objects are multiplied. tilling the space with images between the emptiness and the fullness, the human sculpture takes more and more space. the repetition of the different people that intertwine and overlap allows to perceive the path of the fix movements in the space.’ -jefta
source: fashion-salad

Jefta este tanar, Jefta este talentat, Jefta iubeste arta, si, mai presus de toate, Jefta este obsedat de corpul uman. Opera sa fotografica graviteaza mereu in jurul acestui corp, explorandu-l in cele mai diverse moduri, luminandu-selectiv sau proiectand imagini asupra lui. Cateodata ii place sa il inghete, altadata sa-l dezghete fragmentandu-l, il construieste sau il de-construieste, il chestioneaza continuu pentru a-l rafina in cele din urmă in ceea ce se cheama o formula artistica personala.
Jefta Hoekendijk, sau si mai simplu, JEFTA, este autorul acestei serii fotografice, intitulata Human Sculpture.