



source: vimeo

Origin is the latest development in UVA’s exploration of large-scale responsive LED sculpture. As part of The Creators Project, UVA have created Origin, a responsive installation meant to explore our society’s acceptance of a technocratic life form.
source: uvacouk

United Visual Artists (UVA) are an art and design practice based in London, creating work that lies at the intersections of sculpture, architecture, live performance and installation.

The studio’s origins in design for live performance led to a sustained interest in spectacle, the relationship between passive and active participation, and the use of responsive systems to create a sense of presence. As UVA’s work has broadened and evolved towards large-scale permanent works, it has become more influenced by the complex systems found in nature, while retaining its desire to emotionally engage the viewer and create a sense of communion.

With an open approach to collaboration, the members of UVA come from backgrounds in a wide variety of disciplines, and this cross-pollination of skills inspires new fields of exploration.

United Visual Artists have been commissioned by Artwise Curators, The Creators Project, La Gaite Lyrique, National Maritime Museum, Opera North, Royal Academy of Arts,Victoria & Albert Museum and YCAM Japan.

Their work has been exhibited at institutions and galleries including the South Bank Centre, the Wellcome Collection, Durham Cathedral, Riflemaker, Gazelli Art House and The British Library. Internationally UVA have shown in Barcelona, Beijing, Hong Kong, Melbourne, New York, Paris, Sao Paolo, St Petersburg, Taipei and Tokyo. Their designs for live performance have led to commissions for venues such as the Tate Modern turbine hall, the Serpentine Gallery and Madison Square Garden in New York. With public art works on permanent display in London, Bristol, Toronto and Istanbul.
source: ad110

United Visual Artists (UVA) 是位于英国伦敦的视觉艺术实践团队,主要为全球各地机构提供雕塑、装置、现场艺术及数字艺术创作服务,UVA为皇家艺术学院,伦敦歌剧院,、达勒姆大教堂和大英图书馆等知名机构提供过艺术服务。作品巡展城市包括巴黎,纽约,洛杉矶,东京,香港,墨尔本和巴塞罗那等,并有多件作品在伦敦,布里斯托尔,多伦多和伊斯坦布尔等城市作为公共艺术作品长期展示。

UVA 自2006年起开始参加各种艺术展览,至今已经参加过超过60场次大型国际展览。以下 Always / Never 这件作品是 UVA 最近在伦敦创作的,利用LED及涂层材料制造出美轮美奂的光影交替效果。