Тип Толанд
טיפ טולנד
source: tiptoland
1981 M.F.A., Ceramics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
1975 B.F.A., Ceramics, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
source: beautifuldecay
The characters in Tip Toland’s hyper realistic sculptures are fragile creatures that find themselves at the end of adulthood or at the beginning of childhood. Those stages in life have a certain vulnerability, isolation and innocence in common. Toland attempts to demonstrate the decline preceding death, and the increased separation from others it brings. Their expressions are unengaged and convey a sense of deep psychological detachment that is sad and enigmatic as well as dignified by the process of natural aging. In his article for, Ceramics: Art and Perception, Glen Brown states, “[The works] weigh upon [the viewer] for the simple reason that they reflect the profound, inevitable solitude that envelops the beginning and the end of life.”
While exploring age and aging, Toland’s work attempts to give voice to inner psychological and spiritual states of being. What is of primary importance to her is that the figures contain particular aspects of humanity, which they mirror back to the viewer. It’s the fragility and transient aspect of mankind that the artist is after. That is one reason for choosing very old or very young subjects; they both portray innocence as well as complexity. While her subjects are sometimes self-portraits, they are meant to convey universal truths about humanity, society and the self.
The hyper realism of Toland’s figures comes from her attention to detail and unique use of materials. Using an encaustic technique, Toland creates a waxy finish for the skin that mimics real flesh. She even goes so far as to incorporate actual human hair into the works. The porcelain eyes create a doll-like realism that is both haunting and entrancing, while carefully defined wrinkles, skin tone, tooth enamel, and bone structure, are remarkably realistic.
source: millardizfr
Gros plan sur l’artiste américaine Tip Toland, sculptrice de profession. Née en 1950, elle travaille sur l’humain et le temps qui passe. Ses sculptures représentent de jeunes sujets ou des personnes âgées. Ces deux périodes de la vie ont selon elle des similarités. Ainsi, elle cherche à mettre en avant la vulnérabilité, l’innocence et l’isolement, éléments représentatifs de ces deux périodes extrêmes de l’existence.
Ses œuvres peuvent déranger car elles sont réalistes et troublantes, les transformations du corps par le temps semblent réelles. Elle travaille avec de l’argile principalement, de la peinture, de pastel et des cheveux synthétiques.
source: rockntech
É até difícil de acreditar, mas as imagens que vemos acima são de esculturas. As esculturas são criadas pela Tip Toland e são tão detalhadas que parece que a qualquer momento elas ganharão vida e sairão por aí.
source: giornalettismo
Le statue di ceramica iper-realistiche di Tip Toland rappresentano la fragilità degli essere umani nel delicato passaggio dalla fase adulta alla vecchiaia, vista come una sorta di ritorno all’infanzia. Secondo l’artista infatti queste stagioni della vita hanno in comune una certa vulnerabilità, l’isolamento e l’innocenza. Per le sue sculture Toland utilizza una finitura in cera che imita in maniera estremamente realistica la pelle umana, curando i dettagli fino ad arrivare all’applicazione di capelli autentici.
source: sadna4u
יפ טולנד(Tip Toland )-פיסול בחימר
עבודותיה של טולנד עוסקות ביחסים עם הבלתי נראה,אלה עבודות אלגוריות וסורילסטיות מהורהרות ואינטימיות.(הפיזי והסוריליסטי נוכחים דרך עיבוד ריאליסטי במיוחד של החומר).היא אומרת:”עבודותי הן ניסיון להנכיח קול פנימי -מה שחשוב לי הוא שהדמות תיצג איכות מסוימת של האנשויות שיכולה לשקף משהו במסתכל.זוהי הפגיעות שבמצב האנושי שאותה אני מחפשת.וזהי הסיבה שאני מפסלת דמויות צעירות מאוד או זקנות מאוד.”