source: trendhunter
Bristol, United Kingdom-based artist Filthy Luker has more than just a curious moniker. He has a talent for turning ordinary streets, parking lots, parks and corners into surreal forays of the imagination.
From tentacles popping out of buildings to trees with giant googly-eyes to over-sized banana peels splattered on the sidewalk, Luker puts a decidedly whimsical spin on everyday life.
What is perhaps most impressive about the street artist’s work is the sheer scale of it. It’s one thing to happen across some interesting graffiti or an odd sculpture, it’s another to see tentacles that would be at home on a giant squid bursting out of buildings. Still, this is not to say that Luker’s work is overbearing. Rather, it has all the imagination and curiosity one would expect from a life-size cartoon.
source: st-artgallery
Artists Luke Egan and Pete Hamilton AKA Filthy Luker and Pedro Estrellas have worked together since 1996 creating inflatable sculptures for public display. Self taught, the artists have produced many ground breaking inflatable designs and through their innovation have become internationally renowned for their work under the name of their inflatable design company, Designs in Air.
Using 3D design software and with a small team of specialists, their company Designs in Air has created hundreds of bespoke sculptures and installations for events and clients of all descriptions.
With a diverse collection of giant pop-up sculptures the duo also created non-commissioned temporary public art installations in urban and rural settings for many years.
Love of public intervention and site specific public art inspired Filthy Luker to start making sculptural pieces specifically for installation in the urban landscape in around 2004. On a parallel path to his continued commitment to Designs in Air Filthy Luker has found further international recognition with his street projects and exhibitions where his art work has diversified to include mixed media such as paint, mouldable foams and latex, taxidermy and mutated objects.
Filthy Luker’s work is widely publicised across the internet, has been featured in many magazines, a few books and been seen on television within special features and documentries.
Luke Egan continues to work with Pete Hamilton as co director/ designer of Designs in Air Ltd. and have launched new company, Musii , producing an innovative interactive music and light sculpture created with tech wiz Jnr. Hacksaw.
source: thecitylovesyou
Muchas personas estamos seguras, que lo peor que nos puede pasar a veces es la cotidianidad. Levantarte de tu cama a la misma hora y retomar la misma rutina puede ser algo que te ayude a mantener un equilibrio, pero salir de tu casa y ver que no sólo eres tú el que tiene una rutina, sino todo lo que te rodea (incluyendo las calles) es un ejemplo muy claro y que desanima cualquier alma con indicios de optimismo.
Encontrar todos los días algo nuevo en tu barrio o en la misma ciudad, es que lo que creemos que hace grande al arte urbano y sobre todo a las intervenciones callejeras. Filthy Luker por ejemplo es un pintor que ha llevado este tipo de intervenciones a un formato un poco más grande de lo acostumbrado, haciendo que sus trabajos sean ataques directos (aunque un poco cómicos) al espectador.
Un cambio en el ambiente urbano no le hace daño a nadie, sobre todo si son intervenciones que te sacan una sonrisa de que el gris de las ciudades, sea más bien de una tonalidad verdosa por los tentáculos de varias criaturas.
source: thehypebr
Cenas infladas e impossíveis pela paisagem urbana que fazem você parar, refletir e rir. É assim que o artista Filthy Luker define suas criações que passam por monstros com tentáculos saindo de janelas de prédios a lápis gigantes rabiscando o chão da cidade. O artista de Bristol na Inglaterra é famoso por suas instalações divertidas e criativas como o painel gigante colocado em Manchester com o jogo Space Invaders que as pessoas podiam jogar com ajuda de um controle gigante.
source: bugagaru
Талантливый художник Filthy Luker оставляет след своего искусства на улицах всех городов, где он побывал.
Его проект, состоящий из огромной коллекции антропоморфных объектов называется Street Life.
source: collateral
Filthy Luker, nome d’arte di Luke Egan, è un artista di Bristol, noto per le sue opere di urban art. I suoi site specific three dimensional interventions, carichi di ironia, reinventano la funzione di oggetti di uso quotidiano o aggiungono dettagli spiazzanti, creando un dialogo con l’ambiente circostante, al fine di disorientare i passanti e strappare una risata o un’espressione di stupore.
Le sue installazioni, al di là del tono giocoso e surreale, commentano lo scontro tra l’uomo-macchina e madre natura, riflettono sull’urbanizzazione e il degrado metropolitano, la proliferazione di rifiuti e la mancanza di cura verso alberi e piante ormai intesi semplicemente come arredo urbano.
La sua arte ci scuote e ci cattura con umorismo. Straniante e critica ci costringe a guardare il mondo in modo diverso.
“Don’t forget to play.“
source: budapestavantgardebloghu
Filthy Luker fejéből pattant ki az Art Attack nevű művészeti projekt, amivel a festő valóban támadást indított közönsége felé. A művész a városi környezet átalakításával vált ki a helyi lakosokból egyszerre ijedelmet és csodálatot, méghozzá olyan ötletes installációkkal, mint például az ablakokból hirtelen előbújó óriáspolip, az út közepén pihenő hatalmas banánhéj vagy azok a fák, melyek tekintete elől nehéz elrejtőzni.
source: one360eu
L’artiste de rue britanique Filthy Luker réalise des attaques artistiques en inventant des installations urbaines surréalistes avec des monstres et des bestioles globuleuses, tout droit sortis de son imagination.
Filthy Luker est basé à Bristol, Royaume-Uni. Dans son projet interventioniste «Art Attacks», il transforme les rues de la ville, les parcs et les jardins, ou encore le bord de la plage avec des créatures imaginaires et des sculptures gonflables, comme dans une bande dessinée grandeur nature.