ثيرون همفري
테론 험프리
Терон Хамфри
source: theronhumphrey
Hi I’m Theron
I was born and raised in coastal North Carolina; it’s the sort of place with sandy soil you can’t forget. Growing up I spent a lot of time on my Granddad’s farm. I’ll always remember sitting in his den listening to stories and there always being one too many logs on the fire.
In between then and now I went to school in Savannah, GA. Became good friends with my sister. You know, adult friends. Told my Mom I love her. Found deeper roots in Idaho. Travsered all 50 states + met my best friend Maddie the Coonhound.
These days I like to think my photography exists somewhere between that country living and city ideals. Images with roots and connections but excited about big lights and tall buildings.
source: yatzer
There comes a time in life when you start questioning things; what you have achieved so far, whether you are happy with your life or whether you are in fact the person you actually want to be. Dissatisfied with his everyday life working in a big corporate photo studio, American photographer Theron Humphrey decided to leave it all behind and go on a yearlong cross-county road trip across all 50 states in the hope of photographing a project he was passionate about. And what he describes as ‘This Wild Idea’, a photojournalist project of ”meeting folks, loving folks, living the dream”, documents those little everyday moments that make up a life. However, what he didn’t realize was how Maddie, a friendly coonhound he adopted from an animal shelter just before his trip, would end up changing his life.
Humphrey first started photographing his four footed travel companion on his truck as a reminder of the beginning of their trip together, much like proud parents capture important moments of their kids. What started as something that he did in his spare time while working on his project on the road, became a heartfelt photographic project in its own right that tells the story of a man and his dog travelling across the US. ”Maddie on Things: A Super Serious Project about Dogs and Physics” is a collection of 120 delightful photos where Humphrey captures his beautiful dog Maddie doing what she does best: standing on things with remarkable grace and patience. From lawn mowers and trolley carts to signs, railings and even giant tractor wheels, he wonderfully maps Maddie’s strange habit of posing on top of all sorts of things across the US.
As Humphrey and Maddie traversed the US, the idea for the project gradually evolved and grew organically into something much bigger. After 365 days on the road and more than 65,000 miles of travel, Humphrey presents a collection of pictures that poignantly revive the ideal of that great American road trip through the strange talent of his special four-legged friend. ”She sees the world in a way that I would never be able to see or smell”, Humphrey eagerly points out. With her lively spirit Maddie grew into an inspiring stand-in for telling the story of what he loves and treasures most, the story of what is actually important in life. Miles away from stressful jobs and materialistic ideals, Maddie helped him find himself and offered him a great adventure story to tell his kids one day, becoming his best friend along the way. Maybe Maddie’s extraordinary devotion and will to stand tall and proud on top of all those objects that make up our everyday lives could inspire us to take a ”stand” of our own on our hectic object-centred lives and start appreciating all those great little moments around us.
source: livinguntitled
Dans le livre “Maddie on things”, on découvre l’histoire d’un projet nommé “Why we Rescue”. Pendant un an, Maddie et son maître, Theron Humphray, ont parcouru les 50 états américains pour rencontrer des gens et leurs chiens. Mais surtout pour rassembler leurs histoires afin d’en faire un documentaire. Ce projet souhaite souligner la façon dont les animaux transforment nos vies. Un projet sponsorisé par les croquettes pour chiens, Purina One. Une occasion de nous présenter toute une série de photos dans lesquelles Maddie se retrouve mise en scène dans les différents décors de leur voyage.
C’est un énorme succès pour Maddie qui maintenant a même sa propre application Iphone. L’appli pour permet de mettre la celèbre Maddie sur vos propres clichés.
source: kumobakudandiandian
雲爆弾:Maddie作为亚特兰大摄影师Theron Humphrey的爱犬是幸福并痛苦着,它的幸福因为它和Theron Humphrey一起环游美国,并在各个地方留下了镜头感十足的照片,痛苦是因为Theron Humphrey的镜头下,Maddie需要满足各种模特要求。
source: republicradiogr
Οι χαρακτήρες: Ο φωτογράφος Theron Humphrey και η τετράποδη φίλη του Maddie (την οποία υιοθέτησε από ένα καταφύγιο ζώων!)
Η τρελή ιδέα: Να γυρίσουν παρέα και τις 50 πολιτείες της Αμερικής
Το αποτέλεσμα: Ένα βιβλίο που περιλαμβάνει 120 απολαυστικές φωτογραφίες της Maddie, η οποία
αποδείχτηκε ένα μοντέλο γεμάτο χάρη που ξέρει να ποζάρει!
Αυτή τη στιγμή βρίσκονται σε περιοδεία προωθώντας το βιβλίο τους
source: wowlavie
即使成就再高、獲得再多,總會有開始質疑生活、懷疑生命價值的時候,任職於知名攝影團隊公司的美國攝影師Theron Humphrey則選擇在這迷惘時刻毅然拋開工作以及一如往常的日子,與他在動物收容中心邂逅的浣熊獵犬「Maddie」進行為期一年、橫跨50多個洲鎮的攝影旅行,並期待能完成一項名為「This Wild Idea」的攝影計劃,他希望用照片連結每個人的生命,將旅程中那些能激起生命小小火花的瞬間通通記錄下來,同時與自己好好對話、沉澱。
《Maddie on Things : A Super Serious Project about Dogs and Physics》則是Theron Humphrey在這趟為期365天、走了近65000公里的旅途裡,為Maddie隨手記錄的攝影集,近百張照片是他們冒險的經過、珍貴的回憶,更有許多Maddie可愛、俏皮表情,令人發噘情境,牠甚至能站在各式各樣物品上,包括窄小的欄杆、圍牆邊、車桿、堤防…等,挺直胸膛、眼神毫不畏懼。Theron Humphrey表示:我永遠都無法看見或聞到她眼中的這個世界,但Maddie散發的活潑氛圍與樂觀精神卻成為了鼓舞我的重要力量,她讓我找到自己,並給了我一個充滿冒險、有趣的獨特經歷!在書中幽默的影像裡,或許我們無法體會他們之間深刻的情感羈絆,但至少每一個鏡頭都讓人感受著平凡卻實在的幸福,原來生活中的許多小事也可以成為如此豐富的生命經驗。
除了出版《Maddie on Things : A Super Serious Project about Dogs and Physics》攝影集外,Theron Humphrey的「This Wild Idea」一系列攝影計畫也都能進入他的網站內欣賞;旅程中,他每一天都記錄一個不同的陌生人,不只是大頭照,還包括這個人的職業、興趣、住宅、生活等,用照片說故事,而故事就在照片裡等你拼湊,形成一連串無聲記錄,十分特別。