

source: arterubenbinfo

Hi there, this is Rubén B, 1975, Bilbao, former architect, now a visual artist and beekeeper.
I am also the creator of THE WEIRD INTERNATIONAL COLLAGE SHOW and co-founder of THE WEIRD SHOW, a platform to collage events, books and blog.
Founder member of the International Glacial Society.
Founder member of the Sociedad de Collage de Madrid.


I am making collage since 2000, I think, in a zine I created in the Architecture School.

I use current images from free magazines or catalogs and I am working on a new way from mine, the one-cut collage.

Ideas come when having a coffee with Elena or having a walk gathering for some mushrooms in the wilds, but not always, of course, I am not always linking what I see with what I could do with some paper. I am not that nuts.

At first time collage was easier and faster than drawing, and allowed me to do quick visual jokes. Then I learned to make figurative things with separate parts, which was cool and everybody liked. After that came the beauty of the details and layers, which made you almost an artist. Now I am more into the simplicity of forms and cut just to express a feeling, a blink; same thing that I can do with a doodle on my notebook, collage is there when I have scissors and a magazine.