Айзек Кордел
이삭 코달
source: followthecolours
O artista espanhol Isaac Cordal faz suas instalações urbanas com coadores de alumínio de cozinhas. Sua obra “Cement Bleak” utiliza-se apenas desse material e da projeção de sombras e luzes da cidade. O mais interessante é a o efeito 3D formada apenas pela sombra. Enquanto nós olhamos o objeto como um simples acessório para a cozinha, Isaac é mestre em ajustar as tramas do coador, de modo a criar incríveis esculturas.
source: designboom
in the spirit of the solar eclipse, spanish-born, brussels-based artist isaac cordal has sent designboom his project ‘cement bleak’, a street art intervention
he first initiated a few years past in dalston, london, england. the urban public art installation employs the illumination from street lamps casting
shadows upon manipulated metal cooking strainers, propped up by the handle of the piece. three small faces have been modeled on metal sifters
and as the light passes through the netted cookware piece, the end point of this luminosity a three-dimensional seeming face on the sidewalk. the piece began
as a test implementation of what the artist hopes will be a larger shadow projection project using the resource of city lighting in darkened streets.
in the three strainer sculptures, the artist is investigating the representation of the human face by reinterpreting three dimensional spaces with the help
of digital mapping. the artist is ‘interested in using lofi technologies to create complex results arguing about the abuse of usage we make with
new technologies in many cases’.
source: mymodernmet
We’ve come across several of street artist Isaac Cordal’s intriguing tiny, lost figures, which we are clearly fans of, but we’re pleased to discover another side to the multifaceted artist that tackles shadow art and combines it with his mastery of sculpting. The Brussels-based Spanish artist took to the streets of London for this project called Cement Bleak that utilizes an ordinary kitchen tool. His medium of choice? A strainer.
Cordal manipulates metallic colanders to look like three-dimensional faces popping out. The expert application of his sculpting method is made evident in the illusionary and rather sculptural shadows produced. Using street lamps as his main source of illumination, the light seeps through the perforated structure held up by its handle, which is propped up in the cracks of the pavement, and shines down on the adjacent ground.
The two-step process produces two levels of art that are each appealing in their own right. The strainers, themselves, are so finely formed that it almost seems like people simply stuck their heads into them and kneaded the metal in to conform to their faces. The structure’s silhouette exhibits an equally life-like impression.
source: culturacolectiva
El español Isaac Cordal presenta su proyecto Cemento Sombrío, una intervención de arte urbano que inició años atrás en Londres. La instalación de arte público consiste en la proyección de sombras creadas por coladores de metal manipulados; éstos son sujetos por el mango en el pavimento, lo que provoca que la iluminación natural y artificial se fundan en los objetos para crear figuras inimaginables.
El artista aborda el arte de una forma diferente; muestra su dominio en la técnica de la escultura y la combina con objetos comunes, en este caso: coladores de metal, para así crear un juego de sombras que crean sobre el pavimento imágenes ”apegadas a la realidad”.
La aplicación experta de su método-escultura se hace evidente en sombras ilusorias. Cuando la luz pasa a través del utensilio, proyecta caras aparentemente en tercera dimensión sobre la acera. Antes de crear las esculturas, Cordal investiga la representación del rostro humano, el que intenta reinterpretar con ayuda de la cartografía digital.
Anteriormente, Isaac Cordal sorprendió con su arte callejero: Cement Eclipses, pequeñas esculturas de cemento que no necesitan de un gran tamaño para escenificar situaciones cotidianas que articulan melancolía, tristeza y desasosiego por su entorno; figuras que demuestran el terrible peso de vivir en la ciudad.
source: one360eu
Le belge Isaac Cordal est un artiste aux multiples facettes. Dans son projet « Bleak » il crée des sculptures en silhouette avec de petites passoires qu’il expose à la lumière pour faire apparaitre des portraits.
Isaac Cordal est originaire d’espgane, il vit et travail à Bruxelles. Son dernier projet « Bleak » fait apparaitre sur le sol londonien de magnifiques visages en ombre avec la lumière des lampadaires sur des petites passoires à thé sculptées méticuleusement.
source: maikittende
Auf die Idee, das mein Küchensieb noch ein anderen Zweck haben könnte, als sich hingebungsvoll um Nudeln und Gemüse zu kümmern, bin ich bisher nicht gekommen. Doch man lernt glücklicherweise stets dazu und Isaac Cordal zeigt bei seinen Installationen, wie sich Schattenkunst und Bildhauerei mithilfe eines einfachen Küchensiebes und Straßenbeleuchtung auf beeindruckende Art verbinden lassen.
I never thought that a kitchen strainer could become art but Issac Cordal shows that it’s possible by projecting shadows with public lights.
source: etodayru
Испанский художник Айзек Кордел (Isaac Cordal) делает изумительные трехмерные портреты на дуршлагах. А для увеличения изображения проецирует их тень на асфальт, используя уличное освещение…
source: maikittende
Auf die Idee, das mein Küchensieb noch ein anderen Zweck haben könnte, als sich hingebungsvoll um Nudeln und Gemüse zu kümmern, bin ich bisher nicht gekommen. Doch man lernt glücklicherweise stets dazu und Isaac Cordal zeigt bei seinen Installationen, wie sich Schattenkunst und Bildhauerei mithilfe eines einfachen Küchensiebes und Straßenbeleuchtung auf beeindruckende Art verbinden lassen.
I never thought that a kitchen strainer could become art but Issac Cordal shows that it’s possible by projecting shadows with public lights.
source: dugatistory
스페인 갈리시아(Galicia)의 조각 아티스트 이삭 코달(Isaac Cordal)의 작품들입니다. 1974년생이고 약간 스마트하게 생긴 남성예술가네요.
아래 작품 시리즈 제목은 ‘Cement bleak’입니다. 이 작가의 작품 주특기는 원래 이런것이 아니고 자잘한 조각작품을 삭막한 거리 곳곳에 설치하는 것인데 이건 약간 예외적으로 재미있는 소재를 응용하여 만든것 같습니다. 유럽 여러나라에서 전시를 하곤 하지만 주로 런던에다 많이 설치하곤 하네요.
이건 작품의 소재는 부엌에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 거름망채입니다. 국수를 삶아서 건져낼때나 나물을 데칠때도 사용 하는 흔히 망채라 부르는… 아무튼 그물로 된 그릇입니다. 이것에다가 사람의 얼굴 윤곽을 만들어 거리나 벽에다 실루엣으로 작품을 만드는 것입니다. 아주 별것도 아닌것 같은 것이지만 그의 특별한 아이디어가 돋보이네요. 그가 설정한 제목(Cement bleak)의 의미가 삭막한 시멘트 거리에서 따스한 사람의 온기를 만든다는 것일까요?
source: habbatq8ya
عمل الفنان Isaac Cordal وجوه من شبكة ثلاثية الأبعاد
واستخدام أضواء الشارع لتلقي ظلالها على الرصيف في لندن، انكلترا.
وقد نحت وجوه ثري دي من مصافى عدة المطبخ
source: foolsjournalswordpress
Spesso le idee fanno la differenza. E l’idea che ha illuminato la mente dello street artist spagnolo, residente a Bruxelles, Isaac Cordal è semplicemente geniale. Ha preso un colino, uno dei più banali – e utilizzati – utensili da cucina, e ha iniziato a lavorare i suoi fili metallici, quasi fossero materiali per creare sculture, fino a realizzare dei veri e propri volti tridimensionali. Questi sono resi ancora più evidenti attraverso un’illuminazione particolare che permette alla loro ombra di farli risaltare in tutta la loro bellezza e precisione nei dettagli. Ecco le foto incredibilmente sorprendenti e ammirevoli. Per la serie: l’arte si può nascondere ovunque.