

Woman Nature Alone

source: thedigitalnowbe


Erica Scourti was born in Athens, Greece in 1980 and now lives in London. She is currently enrolled on a Research degree (Masters) in Moving Image Art at Central Saint Martin’s College of Art & Design, run in conjunction with LUX. Scourti’s work addresses the mediation of personal and collective experience through language and technology in the net-worked regime of contemporary culture. Using autobiographical source material, as well as found text collected from the internet displaced into social space, her work explores communication, and particularly the mediated intimacy engendered by a digital paradigm.

Woman Nature Alone, 2010

Woman Nature Alone is an online video project and single channel work made during a residency at Connecticut’s I-Park. Using titles taken from stock video sites corresponding to the key words ‘woman’, ‘nature’ and ‘alone’ as the starting point for my daily work, I filmed myself performing each action described in the title. The video and title was then uploaded to YouTube, forming an archive of my experience of the residency and a collection of ‘rushes’ which were used to create the final single channel version.
source: ericascourti

Erica Scourti was born in Athens, Greece in 1980 and now lives in London. After a year studying Chemistry at UCL, an art and fashion foundation and a year of Fine Art Textiles at Goldsmiths, she completed her BA in Fine Art at Middlesex University in 2003 and has just completed (June 2013) a Research degree (Masters) in Moving Image Art at Central Saint Martin’s College of Art & Design, run in conjunction with LUX. Her area of research was the figure of the female fool in performative video works and the mediated subject of networked capital.

She works with video, performance, online and with text, and has shown internationally at the Museo Reine Sofia, Kunstmuseum Bonn and Jeu de Paume Museum, as well as festivals such as Recontres Internationales and Impakt as well as extensively in the UK, most recently at Banner Repeater, Grand Union, New Bridge Project, Enclave, ICA.

She has completed residencies at Can Serrat International Arts Centre, Barcelona, I-Park Artists’ Enclave, USA; LOW&HIGH, Folkestone, UK, LABA film workshop, Athens, Vermont Studio Center, USA (April 2012), and at The Guesthouse, Cork (September 2012) .
source: elperiodicodearagon

Erica Scourti, que trabaja principalmente en proyectos de vídeo y arte digital, al mismo tiempo que dirige talleres educacionales.