Катажина Конецка
source: brightonfashionweek
Katarzyna Konieczka is a costume and avant-garde fashion designer, whose creations are designed primarily for the stage and catwalk. Their main goal is to influence the recipient, inducing emotions. Katarzyna uses techniques to create the pieces that are a result of experimentation with fabric, materials and paints, etc. The main themes behind Katarzyna’s work are asymmetry, destruction, theatre and the macabre and all of her costumes and accessories are made by hand.
Katarzyna’s career has, so far, seen her achieve a great number of prestigious awards including The Diane Pernet AVOF Award, The Robb Young Premiere Vision Choice and finalist in the OFF Fashion Contest. This year, Katarzyna from Poland had recently set up home in London and will be Headlining ShowReel on Saturday June 15th.
source: behancenet
I am a costume maker and avant garde fashion designer. My creations are mainly to be viewed on a stage or a catwalk. The main aim of my designs is to create an impact on the viewer and evoke feelings. The costumes are not for everyday use. Each costume has been created as a one off, the techniques used to create them have been developed by myself, by experimenting with textiles, fabric and paint . I own all the design rights. Each costume requires special care and each is cleaned separately from everything else according to the label. In most cases I re- use the purchased fabric by processing or dying them, I never use fabric straight from the shop. The main motifs in my designs are asymmetry, destruction, dramatism, macabre. All costumes have been hand made myself.
source: wowmagazinepl
Katarzyna Konieczka – kostiumograf, projektantka mody, stylistka. Absolwentka Międzynarodowej Szkoły Kostiumografii i Pro- jektowania Ubioru (2008). Finalistka „Złotej Nitki” (2009, nagroda specjalna ASVOF Award od prasy zagranicznej przyznana przez francuską dziennikarkę i krytyk mody Diane Pernet oraz Robba young’a). Finalistka „RE-ACT Fashion Show”(2009), półfinalistka konkursu „Oscary Fashion” (2009), finalistka „OFF Fashion” (Kielce 2009). Przychylne recenzje i zdjęcia z pokazu „The dark theatrics of Katarzyna Konieczka” pojawiły się na stronie brytyjskiego Vogue’a.
source: liveinternetru
“Miłość platoniczna, wyidealizowana, niespełniona. Taka miłość jest najbardziej dramatyczna. Jak gdyby pokochać kogoś kto jest martwy”
Katarzyna Koniecka
“Молодой польский дизайнер Катажина Конецка (Katarzyna Koniecka), как она сама о себе говорит на своем же сайте: “kostiumograf, projectant mody, stylista”, вытворяет такие вещи, что аж захватывает дух. Медицинский фетиш + стимпанк + футуризм, как такое можно смешать в одном флаконе? Однако же Катаржина смешивает, смело, ярко и с залихватской бесшабашностью, свойственной только молодым талантам на взлете!”
Надежда и гордость современной авангардной польской моды!