

بريان ووكر
브라이언 워커

source: criatives

Brian Walker é um fotógrafo, cujas imagens exploram o reino entre fantasia e realidade, criando cenas que misturavam ilustração, moda, real e artificial. Walker começou a usar a fotografia como uma ferramenta para representar essas idéias do impossível dentro do contexto.
source: saatchionline

“In a time where the line between hyper-realities and those of our own is becoming finer, the Sydney artist’s work speaks a relative language. The digital artist is inspired by surreal landscapes, the evolution of fashion and changing popular culture ” Cool Hunter

Brian walker is a contemporary digital artist whose images explore and exploit the realm between fantasy and reality, recreating scenes that meld illustration and fashion with an element of surprise.

Stemming from a passion for illustration to depict his ideas and concepts of surrealist landscapes and characters, Walker first began using photography as a tool to represent these ideas of the impossible within the believable context of photography.

“Viewing this work is the equivalent of a photographic excursion into the mind of a serial filler of funtime plastic-fantastic realities. Brian Walker is a world renowned digital artist, with a playfully kitsch postmodern view on the world at large. View them with a grain of salt in hand ready to rub into your own proverbial visual wound that he taketh pleasure in inflicting” H R Wienheimer.
source: zillamag

Brian Walker is a contemporary digital artist based in Sydney, Australia who explores the realm between fantasy and reality by creating scenes that first seem hyperreal but reveal something amiss or askew on a second take. Influenced by Dali, Magritte and most recently American photographer David LaChapelle, his recent works draw inspiration from the “plasticization of the female form in fashion and online virtual dress up dolls” and “aims to perplex his audience, his style guaranteeing an element of surprise intended to delight and amuse his viewers”.
source: fotomencn

Brian Walker的艺术创作必定能吸引你的眼球。在他镜头下的世界光怪陆离,现实与幻境交缠,诡异却不失那份另类的美丽。 不同于一般的摄影作品,Brian Walker将当代潮流时尚元素、科幻、恐怖巧妙地融为一体,谁能想到这些支离破碎的人物竟衍生出一份让人惊奇和恐惧的美感,效果突出,让人不能自拔地沉迷在这个戏剧性的世界。现在就让我们一同来感受Brian Walker为大家带来的残缺的魅力吧!
source: mensupfr

Directement inspiré des travaux de David Lachapelle ou Dali, Brian Walker s’est trouvé un domaine d’expression avec la photographie numérique. Ses compositions sont autant de performances artistiques que techniques. Le photographe détourne ici la beauté féminine à travers le thème de la femme-objet et des clichés qui surprennent, déroutent ou dérangent.
source: aquivaiumadica

Brian Walker é um artista digital contemporâneo, cujas imagens estudam e exploram o reino entre fantasia e realidade. Inspirada na Cultura Pop, sua obra recria o mundo da moda com mulheres-bonecas em situações provocativas, perturbadoras e improváveis.