

آدم سميث باركر
아담 파커 스미스
Адам Смит Паркер

Sunset Now

source: 1000ideasru

Устройство «Sunset Now», разработанное дизайнером Адамом Паркер Смит, представляет собой имитацию солнечного заката.
С помощью этого устройства вы можете контролировать высоту и яркость солнца и облаков, и конечно всегда, в любой день, в любое время суток, когда вам захочется наслаждаться закатом солнца, не выходя из своей квартиры или дома.

Восхитительное и чарующее зрелище! Особенно ценное изобретение для тех, кто в силу своего образа жизни и места жительства не мог наблюдать этот прекрасный момент ранее ,а в общем и для остальных ценителей красоты и романтики тоже.
source: momaps1org

Artist’s Statement
Constructing the aftermath of invented ceremonies and transcendental experiences from materials mined from vernacular culture, hardware stores and inherited collections of fabrics, I mimic the human endeavor to understand the universe through a bizarre confluence of real events, daydreams and preexisting fables. Through this combination, I establish psychological sites for disparate elements to congregate in environments that are simultaneously haunting, familiar and alien. These tragicomic installations are private, uncensored, darkly humored and most often involve the direct participation of the viewer. They are populated by subjects pulled from the fertile environment of my fears and longings, polluted with filth, obsessions, crushes, jealousy and grace. With no attempt to disguise the material makeup, my methods of construction parallel the imperfections, flaws and vulnerability reveled in the subject’s characters.

Adam Parker Smith is a New York based sculpture and installation artist. He received his BA from the University of California at Santa Cruz and his MFA from Tyler School of Art. Smith has attended the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Sculpture Space, Bemis, Djerassi, Jentel, and Atlantic Center for the Arts. His work has been shown widely in the USA as well as internationally at Urbis, Manchester, England, Nordine Zidoun, Luxembourg, Priska Juschka, New York, The Delaware Center for Contemporary Art, Berkshire Museum, Massachusetts, The Soap Factory Minneapolis, Painted Bride, Philadelphia, Parisian Laundry, Montreal, and TSST Gallery in Hong Kong. Smith’s work has been written about in New York Times, Art in America, Beautiful Decay, The Village Voice, Fiber Arts, ArtForum.com, Art World, White Wall Magazine and The New York Post.
source: blogartinternnet

美国艺术家亚当 帕克 史密斯(Adam Parker Smith)在北加州出生和长大,现居纽约布鲁克林。他拥有一个加州大学的艺术学士学位和宾夕法尼亚州泰勒艺术学院的艺术学硕士学位。他在英国及意大利学习绘画,他的作品在许多机构展出过,例如特拉华惠灵顿现代艺术中心。
