


source: zeitguised

Peripetics or the Installation of an Irreversible Axis on a Dynamic Timeline.
A piece in six acts that entails imaginations of disoriented systems that take a catastrophic turn, including the evolution of educational plant-body-machine models and liquid building materials. Unspoiled by formal computer graphics training, ZEITGUISED have been pushing their own rules onto computer aided art by creating a dense universe parallel to motion graphics, drawing heavily from fashion photography, sculpture, installation and architectural set design.

The ZEITGUISED style has been described as high gloss art school 3D punk that blends complex geometries, surreal objects, artificial behaviors and the recycling of digital readymades into a distinct hallucinatory narration style.

In the twisted worlds of ZEITGUISED, surface phenomena are the content – and unstable structures of color, shape and spatial motion become narrative and protagonist at the same time.

ZEITGUISED as a studio was established by american sculptor and fashion designer Jamie Raap and german architect Henrik Mauler.

Their work has been presented in numerous international festivals, galleries and shows like Onedotzero, Dotmov, Fluctuating Images, Nemo and Resfest.

ZEITGUISED was nominated for two Media Art Awards at the ZKM Karlsruhe in 2001 and 2002. In 2005 they received the award for Best Music Video at the International Film Festival Oberhausen, and later that year the Best Design Award at Resfest. In 2009 they received the award for Best Experimental work at the Ottawa International Animation Festival and in 2010 were a finalist in the Experimental section of the Vimeo Festival+Awards in NYC.

Selected work has been shown in galleries and art shows around the world, most notably Volta New York and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona.

ZEITGUISED works with exceptionally talented artists and designers. Permanently busy with ZEITGUISED in Berlin are Katha Niedermeijer, Matt Frodsham, Julius Steinhauser and Marian Pramberger. Sven Hauth of Pixeldoggy is often part of it as well.
source: wadmag

Depuis sa création à Berlin en 2001 par le sculpteur Américain Jamie Raap et l’architecte Allemand Henrik Mauler. Le studio Zeitguised a multiplié les collaborations avec les plus talentueux artistes et designers. Notamment la création « Sweetheart » pour MTV, à base d’explosions de bonbons ultra-colorés, de quoi vous faire exploser les papilles avec un montage 3D parfaitement constitué.