

أندرياس نيكولاس فيشر



source: creativeapplicationsnet

Schwarm by Andreas Nicolas Fischer is a Processing application that uses a swarm of particles to gradually create an abstract composition from photographs. The drawing agents behave according to a set of rules, but have a degree of autonomy. Each time the software is run it produces an infinite sequence of unique images.

The software analyzes a sequence of images using their color values at their origin, which it then spreads like a brush would spread paint. After a predefined amount of time a new image becomes the source of the composition and all values definining shape and direction of the movement are being reset. The transition between the images happens seamlessly, sometimes barely perceptible in realtime. The photographs only serve as a source for color and composition. The main focus, Andreas tells CAN, is the ephemeral nature of the ever-changing composition.

Andreas Nicolas Fischer (*1982, Munich, Germany) concerns himself with the physical manifestation of digital processes and data through generative systems to create sculptures, videos, prints and installations. He holds an MA from the Berlin University of the Arts, where he studied in professor Joachim Sauter´s class. The artist lives and works in Berlin.
source: clikclkfr

Andreas Nicolas Fischer est né 1982 à Munich, fondateur du studio ANF il travail aujourd’hui maintenant à Berlin. Spécialisé en design génératif, il réalise des projets vidéos, des installations et des projets prints.