

source: apeonthemoon

Celine, aka Appuru Pai, was obviously already carrying around an artistic tendency when she began her time living abroad in Japan. When exposed to the inspiring scenery, she was spurred on to attempt to find a way to capture what she was experiencing.
That, and seeing an abundance of top-end equipment being used by the everyday person, encouraged an interest in photography. Here are some examples of the interesting techniques she played around with as she tells us more about how she took up photography as a hobby and the equipment she uses.
“Japan was the ‘trigger’ of my interest in photography (I lived there for 4 years). During my travels, I discovered so many unique and magnificent landscapes that I felt the need to capture and retain these exceptional moments that I was living. I was astonished by the high number of people that were carrying professional photo gear compared to those in my own country. This apparently large popularity of photography further raised my curiosity.”

“I bought my first SLR one year after my arrival in Japan. The first few months seemed difficult and my pictures disappointing. But, by learning a few basic concepts, I gained a tremendous freedom in the variety of pictures I could take. “

“I have rather simple gear:
– Nikon D7000
– Nikon 35mm f/1.8 DX
– Nikon 18-105mm VR”

“I mostly shoot landscape and cityscapes. I usually use the aperture mode because I like to emphasise the DOF [Depth of Field] of my photos. For the long exposure shots, though, I usually use the manual mode. I don’t do lots of post processing and most of my photos are almost straight out of the camera. “

“While photography remains a hobby to me, I enjoy sharing my work online and receiving feedback from a large public.”
source: paranoias

“Yurikamome” is a long exposure series of shots from the New Transit Yurikamome an automated guideway train that connects Odaiba to the mainland, passing through the Rainbow Bridge, in Japan. The photos belong to the Flickr user Appuru Pai. “The exposure times aren’t too long (they’re all less than a second), but the speed of the train creates plenty of motion blur — even in daytime.”
source: gizmodo

A talentosa fotógrafa e leitora do Gizmodo Appuru Pai tirou estas belíssimas fotos do New Transit Yurikamome, uma linha de metrô em Tóquio. As imagens dela parecem às vezes impressionistas e pintadas, e às vezes renderizadas em computador como em um filme de ficção científica, mas sempre muito lindas.

O Yurikamome liga a ilha artificial de Odaiba à terra firme, passando pela Rainbow Bridge. Appuru Pai ficou no primeiro vagão do metrô automatizado e tirou estas belas fotos de longa exposição.